Heres mine should you wish to have a look. Its a great way I think of gaining work, I also use my personal account aswell.
I saw yours james already
Facebook really bamboozles me.
Do you have a personal account Carl?
Why do I need a separate personal account james.?
Because, you can build your 'friends' up on your personal account, then spam your business page to all your 'friends' (providing the majority are in your 'working area' like mine are.
I get so much work via this method.
Not sure about yours, but there are loads of diffrent 'community' pages that you can add and spam your business page to aswell.
Ok james how do I link the 2 up
Step 1: Create personal account, and add everyone that you know (and even people that you don't know if you want) that are in your working area. (i have about 650 friends on mine)
Step 2: Create your business account, chuck in few pictures of houses, con roofs etc, and just carry on adding pictures/offers etc to that page when ever you want.
Step 3: Then how ever often you like, you can 'share' your business page via your personal account so that all your 'friends' can see it.
I also add all diffrent businesses, community pages etc, and 'share' my page on there facebook 'walls'
You can have offers like what Richy has done, which is ask your friends on facebook to 'share' your page. (you page will then get advertised to all their 'friends') and everyone that does will get a free window clean or something similar.
Hope this makes sense mate.