Hi Guys
I've been running a couple of L5's for a couple of years now, and on the whole I've found that they are fantastic for instant hot water. However just a couple of things I've been finding you need to be wary of, I thought I'd mention them here maybe others could post up issues they have had as well. I also wonder if other boilers would suffer the same issues, is there a perfect boiler for window cleaning?
Pressure. Simply put, if the pressure is too high then the boiler doesn't fire, even if the flow rate is brilliant. I've now taken to using the pressure switch on the pumps to control the pumps stopping and starting rather than a varistream or other control unit as I find a pressure switch more reliable in providing consistent pressure.
Air causing after burn. This is a little more serious. I've found that if the pump sucks air in, maybe due to the tank getting low, it can cause the boiler to continue burning even if the pumps have stopped. Why this happens I don't know, maybe it's due to the air playing havoc with the flow switch. The result though is often a burst hose coming out of the boiler as the water trapped in the boiler turns to steam tries to escape out of the outlet and the hose can't take the combination of heat and pressure.
Non bursting hose recommendations please? I've been using washing machine hot hose but recently switched to john guest hose, both will burst.
Maybe there is even another boiler that doesn't suffer these problems.