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Hi all. Well I just looked and its been over 2 years since my last post on here. I have kept having a read over this time as even though I'm still not working as a window cleaner as I find the forum interesting and entertaining. When I was last posting on here I always received good honest advice and offers of help.
Back then I wanted to leave my job and start window cleaning but didn't want to risk leaving my full time job especially with the current state of the country and didn't think that I could fit both a full time job in with trying to build a round up and still have time for my young family. So I've plodded on in my safe but boring job and kept dreaming that one day I'd be able to make the change.
So I'm wondering if things have changed in the last few years and if so how. Have things got worse since the recession began. Are there more newbies giving it a go and if so is it affecting you or is there enough work for everyone. Has it affected your prices. I'm intrested in what you think where ever you are but particularly if your in the north Lancashire or south cumbria areas as thats where I am.
The main reason I've suddenly started thinking again is I was at my mother in laws house when some window cleaners I hadn't seen before  knocked asking if she'd like hers doing. She asked the price. I guessed at 8 to 10 quid. It is a bungelow with a bay window two standard windows and a conservatory thats isn't massive. Their quote was 16 pounds. I was amazed.
Anyway. All your input will be greatly received.
Cheers guys.


  • Posts: 7887
Re: been a while. have things changed since I was last on this forum.
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2013, 09:32:32 am »
no offence meant but reading your post and a very quick look at some old posts window cleaning or indeed any form of self employment is not for you.  :(

HOWEVER if you really really wanted to do it you would and could find a way which has prob been covered many times in your previous posts so not worth going over it all again.

Make a decision and stick with it  ;)

colin purewater

  • Posts: 2282
Re: been a while. have things changed since I was last on this forum.
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2013, 09:45:12 am »
Rl I started posting about the same time as
You mate and I took the plunge !

2 years later I couldn't of imagined thing could
Have gone So  well!

I also have a young family and had beans on toast
For almost the 1st year. With the support of my
Mrs we got threw it and came out the other side
Better for it

If the whole family was not willing to make some
Sacrifices I'd still be misrible and exhausted
Climbing trees for a living  ;).

Only you and your can change your future mate

Dreams are for dreamers!!
keep it simple


Re: been a while. have things changed since I was last on this forum.
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2013, 11:16:07 am »
Thanks for the replies. No offence taken.

I think self employment could be for me but its getting the confidence to make the change.

Colin. Very intresting to hear that you have succeeded. Did you have a job and build up part time or what.

I'm not saying I'm about to take the leap and start up. Just thought it'd be nice to hear how things have changed etc.

Thanks chaps.


  • Posts: 23882
Re: been a while. have things changed since I was last on this forum.
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2013, 11:43:57 am »
strength to strength for me over the last few years without a doubt.

it takes self motivation,hard work,confidence(as in pricing new work,canvassing etc)and generally having a glass half full attitude and mentality.

yes there is a recession but im not a victim of having a negative attitude.adapt,work hard,do a professional job and be reliable.

its working for me.


price higher/work harder!

ben M

  • Posts: 4720
Re: been a while. have things changed since I was last on this forum.
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2013, 11:45:45 am »
strength to strength for me over the last few years without a doubt.

it takes self motivation,hard work,confidence(as in pricing new work,canvassing etc)and generally having a glass half full attitude and mentality.

yes there is a recession but im not a victim of having a negative attitude.adapt,work hard,do a professional job and be reliable.

its working for me.


very good post Daz  :)

sean mcc

  • Posts: 230
Re: been a while. have things changed since I was last on this forum.
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2013, 02:00:50 pm »
Hi rl
   I started cleaning windows about six months ago after being ill for quite sometime,i did not want to take too much on quickly so i limited my canvassing to the work load i wanted,i think the best thing for you to do is do window cleaning along side your current job to see if its going to be for you,as reading your post you seem very hesitant,what if you pack your job in and you dont like it.Can you take rejection as probably 90 out of every 100 door knocks ends with a no thankyou or we allready have a window cleaner thankyou,thats just my experience.I think you would have done it by now if you were going to do it.
      Regards Sean :)


  • Posts: 1511
Re: been a while. have things changed since I was last on this forum.
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2013, 02:25:25 pm »
youre thinkin that the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence but you will never  dare jump to try it out.   people need to be driven by something to make it being self employed- the driving force can be money,home issues or simply loving a good challenge   

but boredom in a comfy job will never drive you into giving it your all.


Re: been a while. have things changed since I was last on this forum.
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2013, 10:36:25 am »
Thanks for the replies. 

To be honest I wasn't posting with a view to starting up soon. I am in no position to start up at the moment. I look after the little one on my days off. I was more just interested in how things had changed since I was thinking about starting up. I agree that for me it would be a massive step to leave employment even if I had a round built up a part of me would be worried that it'd all go wrong. That doesn't stop me wanting to do this and one day I hope it will happen.

So thanks for the stories of how things have or haven't changed and if there are any more I would love to hear them. Round me there seems to be a few more people that have started up since the recession started. Is that the case and does this affect you.

Thanks for saying hiw you see thing dazmond and sean.


sean mcc

  • Posts: 230
Re: been a while. have things changed since I was last on this forum.
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2013, 01:35:38 pm »
Hi rl
    another option for you is to try and get a day a week with a local window cleaner and see if you like it,i must admit i seem to be enjoying it the more i get into it. :)


Re: been a while. have things changed since I was last on this forum.
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2013, 05:18:11 pm »
Cheers for the idea mate. I think I would like the actual work once I got going. Definitely more than my current job. If I'm going to do it it probably won't be until my youngest gets a nursery place. Unless I strap her to my back. Be good to have something to be working towards maybe. Cheers again.


Re: been a while. have things changed since I was last on this forum.
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2013, 05:31:52 pm »
Also just want to say, there is something infectious about you lot on this forum. For a few month I didn't think much about window cleaning and then for whatever reason come on here for a read and something in me gets excited just reading your posts. You are (on the whole) all so positive about what you do and all seem to love your work. Your advice is always spot on and for me I take in board everything you say even if its not always what I might want to hear. One day i may stop dreaming about it and get off my backside and do what I should of dine some time ago. Until then I will keep reading what you've all got to say.

p.s. still think £16 for a bungalow with a conservatory in Lancashire is taking the pee. Haha.

sean mcc

  • Posts: 230
Re: been a while. have things changed since I was last on this forum.
« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2013, 07:00:37 pm »
Well rl if you think £16 is taking the p,you would probably go out and underprice everything,so you need to get upto speed on your pricing,nothing worse than under pricing. >:(

Dean Taberner

  • Posts: 4164
Re: been a while. have things changed since I was last on this forum.
« Reply #13 on: February 14, 2013, 07:05:11 pm »

I stopped drinking for a while but then restarted again.

Operations manager at J.V Price Ltd


Re: been a while. have things changed since I was last on this forum.
« Reply #14 on: February 14, 2013, 07:25:35 pm »
re the £16. This is a bungalow with one bay window, a bedroom window and a bathroom window. Then a conservatory. I cannot see £16 in it. Even if it was down south I'd be shocked if someone quoted that. 2 years ago our house was quoted £10 by the guy who does lots of houses on our estate. And ours is a 3 storey house with 8 windows 2 doors and 2 patio doors. The Mrs thought that was a lot until I put her right.

I'd have quoted £8, maybe £10 if I was to price high.

On a positive I might buy some trad gear and offer to do them for 8 quid for her. May get me started to.