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DG Cleaning

  • Posts: 1726
Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« on: February 07, 2013, 08:03:53 pm »
Had an interesting chat with my wc, he used to be wfp but ditched it to go back on ladders. He had one or 2 complaints but I think all those first cleans were doing his head in because he wasn't making as much per day. There were 2 of them working out of a van on backpacks. He still uses them a few days a month on a new estate but that's it he wont do them all. Has anyone else done the same?


  • Posts: 2303
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2013, 08:05:56 pm »
Came close a couple of times when i first swapped over... i expect a lot came close


  • Posts: 25994
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2013, 08:08:01 pm »
Those who didn't plan it properly.
Those who have a wishbone instead of a backbone.
Those who let their custies tell'em what to do.
It's a game of three halves!

George P

  • Posts: 1304
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2013, 08:14:22 pm »
no and i never would, just doesnt make sense overall, may need to get used to it a bit, but worth perseveribg


Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2013, 08:25:03 pm »
I use a ladder sometimes for garage roofs but to clumsy
to work from a ladder full time. I do believe that I could control my quality
better using trad methods but I wouldnt last a year.

Window Washers

  • Posts: 9036
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2013, 08:31:13 pm »
Had an interesting chat with my wc, he used to be wfp but ditched it to go back on ladders. He had one or 2 complaints but I think all those first cleans were doing his head in because he wasn't making as much per day. There were 2 of them working out of a van on backpacks. He still uses them a few days a month on a new estate but that's it he wont do them all. Has anyone else done the same?
loads and loads, thats why wfp has a bad name (because people cant manage the change over) then again that helps us too :)
If your not willing to learn, No one can help you, If you are determined to learn, No one can stop you ;)

DG Cleaning

  • Posts: 1726
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2013, 08:33:31 pm »
I asked him about the safety aspect but he said he's not bothered. Been at it nearly 30 years. ;D


  • Posts: 246
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2013, 08:35:52 pm »
A quitter never wins, A winner never quits  ;)

johnny bravo

  • Posts: 2713
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2013, 08:42:12 pm »
i do both,   only trad ladderwork on the easy acess areas,    i use my backpack in some areas also,    i can go canvassing now knowing i can clean almost any house regardless of height and awkwardness.     if i didnt have backpack   id probably be earning around   £200 per month less.     in the wind we have had recently it was no problem for me,      i would not have been able to do ladder work,   i would have lost £££££££££ssss.   this xtra money is hopefully going towards my pressure washer setup.  id find it too much pressure having a van mount only.  when things go wrong.

DG Cleaning

  • Posts: 1726
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2013, 09:34:29 pm »
There's not much to go wrong with a van mount to be honest

sean mcc

  • Posts: 230
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2013, 09:37:30 pm »
Dont even want to think about going back Trad :o :o :o

Jack Harris

  • Posts: 256
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2013, 09:48:42 pm »
After doing a few trad on a garage roof today id never go back lol


  • Posts: 701
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2013, 02:48:38 pm »
we use two backpacks .due to our round .bin using them few yrs now .we did lose a few custies .old dears mainly .didnt like water left on windows .but go back to ladders .no thanks .still taking ones on near other custies

Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2013, 03:03:40 pm »
I know a lad I helped set up with WFP doesn't use it much. His customers told him they didn't like it so he went back to ladders. He's struggling now, we've tried to help him with it but to no avail. Even his brother can't get through to him.

His issue was his customers opinion, in the OP's comment I would say the issue is the fact that they were trying to just use backpacks. If you can only afford (water wise) to use a small amount of water any first cleans can be a real pain.

When I started there were 2of us with 250L. We did just upstairs but soon I realised that doing them all was the way forward. Backpack purchased and water conserved as much as posible. Horrible on first cleans (and even second ones)

Now on my own I get through 350L whereas we were trying to manage with 250 between us.

The key to geting it right is not only having the right equipment and plenty of water but also having the right mindset.

Dont get me wrong you can do it with a backpack but it takes more effort and patience.


Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2013, 03:06:49 pm »
Think the investment puts a lot off, but once you have changed and taken the hit it is so much easier and safer.


  • Posts: 663
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #15 on: February 08, 2013, 03:56:54 pm »
i think everyone should go back to ladders apart from me then il pick up all the work they cant manage  ;D

dave f

Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #16 on: February 08, 2013, 04:02:00 pm »
i always pland to go wfp as soon as i could .i could not see the point of risking death for jus a few pound. i got a few quid saved and bingo up and running did a bit of resurch  dont get me wrong made a few school boy errors but once you have the confiedence every thing falls in to place but you always get folk jumping on the band waggon not bothering to do the job correctly which will give wfp a bad name imo.


Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #17 on: February 08, 2013, 04:08:22 pm »
i will never go back customers would not allow  it    they love it  i love it  ;D


  • Posts: 216
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #18 on: February 08, 2013, 04:16:39 pm »
I have never been comfortable with wfp, the manager of a residential home wants to speak with me next week said the residents have issues with water left on the windows to be honest I see them leaning out of the windows drying them sometimes it doesn't matter how well you put the concept across to some they'll never get it if I was 10 years younger I'd probably go back to ladders, it's crazy really because when you've done both you know pure water is a better way the results must be yet people never seem to moan about soap residue or sun smears, it's made me paranoid when wfp cleaning if I see one tiny dirt spot I keep checking and rinsing and it's making the jobs take longer when in actual fact you probably wouldn't see anything wrong when they are dry unless you put your face up against the glass with a magnifying glass, I did a commercial job with a mate which is done every 6 months, I was doing inside upper glass while he was poling outside there were small dirt spots on nearly every pane which we wouldn't see from outside I never mentioned anything to him because we would have gone over them all again making the whole job take about 8 hours for 2 people for a £350 job if they are done twice a year then what can be expected, if you used ladders and soap it would be a nightmare they would need scraping you can't win.  

Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #19 on: February 08, 2013, 04:30:07 pm »
I have done trad and wfp and find there is nothing in common between the two methods. Must trad chaps and vice versa, changing to W F P seem to  expect  WFP to be easy because they can trad. Its a completely different ball game. I never see them as the same thing. I don't compare them at all. Each has a place in the market and I feel as a window cleaner I should be doing both. But never let the customer get involved in my method as they pay for results so there no negotiation as far as I am concerned.
   Allowing your customer to dictate, is a problem of who is in charge of your business you or the customer.I have no problem with who runs my business.