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Mike #1

  • Posts: 4668
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #20 on: February 08, 2013, 04:41:14 pm »
I did once and woke up in a cold sweat thank god i was only dreaming  ;D ;D .Mike


  • Posts: 216
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #21 on: February 08, 2013, 04:45:41 pm »
I have done trad and wfp and find there is nothing in common between the two methods. Must trad chaps and vice versa, changing to W F P seem to  expect  WFP to be easy because they can trad. Its a completely different ball game. I never see them as the same thing. I don't compare them at all. Each has a place in the market and I feel as a window cleaner I should be doing both. But never let the customer get involved in my method as they pay for results so there no negotiation as far as I am concerned.
   Allowing your customer to dictate, is a problem of who is in charge of your business you or the customer.I have no problem with who runs my business.
There is no comparison with the two but you try telling a pensioner that wfp is good when they want a man with a flat cap and a bucket of water climbing up a ladder it's not a case of telling the customer who is boss it'll just end up in a rant. they probably didn't like chamois leathers being replaced with squeegies either it's called progression but they will never get it.

James archell

  • Posts: 154
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #22 on: February 08, 2013, 04:50:07 pm »
Must trad chaps and vice versa, changing to W F P seem to  expect  WFP to be easy

It is easy, so long as you've got a bit of nouse about you, and have done a little bit of research.


  • Posts: 397
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #23 on: February 08, 2013, 04:57:25 pm »
Must trad chaps and vice versa, changing to W F P seem to  expect  WFP to be easy

It is easy, so long as you've got a bit of nouse about you, and have done a little bit of research.

+1 wfp is easy enough, it's only difficult when people who aren't sure what they're doing think they know better and start cutting corners. All they achieve is making life harder for themselves or the next cleaner who has a hard time convincing the customer that you can get good results wfping


  • Posts: 537
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #24 on: February 08, 2013, 05:01:08 pm »
I have done trad and wfp and find there is nothing in common between the two methods. Must trad chaps and vice versa, changing to W F P seem to  expect  WFP to be easy because they can trad. Its a completely different ball game. I never see them as the same thing. I don't compare them at all. Each has a place in the market and I feel as a window cleaner I should be doing both. But never let the customer get involved in my method as they pay for results so there no negotiation as far as I am concerned.
   Allowing your customer to dictate, is a problem of who is in charge of your business you or the customer.I have no problem with who runs my business.

you are spot on

DG Cleaning

  • Posts: 1726
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #25 on: February 08, 2013, 05:43:17 pm »
When I switched over I had one 2 complaints one justified which was sorted and one who just fancied a moan, I also lost one. The customer who I thought would be dead against it now prefers it, she's really into her cleaning does her insides weekly, she can see what a good job it does and likes having clean frames. I really take my time on first cleans though perhaps too much but it seems to be working. I never explain the system either unless they ask. ;D


  • Posts: 24197
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #26 on: February 08, 2013, 10:12:05 pm »
i seriously dont understand some of your customers complaining because you use WFP? ??? ???

I VERY RARELY GET ANY COMPLAINTS USING WFP!!in fact im more likely to get complements on how good the system is.

i did have one or two cancellations and problems when i first started but i soon ironed them out when i got a bit more experience.

i only use ladders on a few jobs a week and thats  usually for opening a locked gate or the odd flat roof but most of the time they stay locked up on top of my van                                                                                 
price higher/work harder!

Trev Jones

  • Posts: 92
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #27 on: February 08, 2013, 10:41:03 pm »
dazmond, your the best  ;D


  • Posts: 17015
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #28 on: February 08, 2013, 11:21:25 pm »
Isn't it amazing that a thread titled 'anyone ditch wfp for ladders' turns into a wfp v trad type thread wherein wfp is the supreme master and any who clean windows with those ancient death causing stone age tools, the ladder plus a mop and squeegee, is some sort of inferior twitt.

I think this forum needs a section for trad users and one for wfp.

If I was still cleaning windows trad style I don't think I'd bother going on this forum
Just chant..... Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. It's beats chanting Tory Tory or Labour Labour.

DG Cleaning

  • Posts: 1726
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #29 on: February 09, 2013, 06:57:47 am »
I don't mind doing trad  ;D


  • Posts: 823
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #30 on: February 09, 2013, 09:23:19 am »
I often use ladders and trad on first cleans if they are mingers to get them up to (my) standard!
Cream cleaner on the frames and TFR after the initial clean WFP is a doddle to maintain the standard.
First cleans use too much water, takes too long and doesn't bring the frames up half as well.

sean mcc

  • Posts: 230
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #31 on: February 09, 2013, 09:54:14 am »
I agree with Granny ;D

[GQC] Tim

  • Posts: 4536
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #32 on: February 09, 2013, 10:25:34 am »
I often use ladders and trad on first cleans if they are mingers to get them up to (my) standard!
Cream cleaner on the frames and TFR after the initial clean WFP is a doddle to maintain the standard.
First cleans use too much water, takes too long and doesn't bring the frames up half as well.

Can't actually believe what I'm reading here.  :o  :-X

James archell

  • Posts: 154
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #33 on: February 09, 2013, 10:35:26 am »

DG Cleaning

  • Posts: 1726
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #34 on: February 09, 2013, 10:45:40 am »
+2  :D


  • Posts: 2051
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #35 on: February 09, 2013, 11:23:56 am »

Mist A Bit

  • Posts: 1032
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #36 on: February 09, 2013, 11:47:28 am »

sean mcc

  • Posts: 230
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #37 on: February 09, 2013, 07:58:52 pm »
What is wrong with doing the 1st clean by hand,i do not use cream cleaner or anything like that,just ecover and water and use ladder to get to top windows,give the frames a good clean by hand and makes it much easier with the wfp from then on,am i doing it wrong????

James archell

  • Posts: 154
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #38 on: February 09, 2013, 08:40:00 pm »
Because theres no need to, with regards quality of work and it's slower. Apart from that, no reason.


  • Posts: 4454
Re: Anyone ditched wfp for ladders?
« Reply #39 on: February 09, 2013, 09:03:11 pm »
yes i have. & i have  just traded in my blue ray player for a beta-max