What daz is saying I can second , running a round down south is so bloody stressful compared to up north lol I used to remember the days when I'd say I have 7 customers who canceled this year! or ritten off £45.
Lol now I'm writing off £500+ a year and god knows how many cancelations
or go out knocking and keep 100% of the customers lol, everything was less stressful I also heard that leafleting works some fairy tale stories of over %2 return ,we can get away with charging much more down south but the lies customers will say to your face are shocking compared to relaxing 4 weekly Frequencies up north where people actually want you to turn up are worlds apart , sometimes I wonder the amount of hours and money I spent on canvassing who knows where I'd be better off , down here you do find customers who are serious too but no way near as easy up north