"I agree wholeheartedly with Ian. I do know though that if the revenue are looking to investigate a window cleaner, they will probably go for the guy who does not have an accountant as opposed to one who does. Who is more likely to have an error? "
Apparently, The most likely to be investigated are those that use accountants who have been found in the revenues eyes to be "dodgy", followed by those who dont use an accountant then the "good accountant " group. but unfortunately we have no idea of who the tax office consider good or dodgy so not neccesarily the safe option using an accountant. On average, you get investigated once every ten years, ive been going nine years without an accountant and without being looked at, so wont be too shocked if they start nosing around soon . Each to his own i suppose, im too tight to splash out on things im perfectly capable of doing myself, its no where near as hard as it looks.