Thanks Ed
There's more than one shift there.
Never really looked at the size of the projects really - think in the beginning they were daunting but been doing them for such a long time now (without being flippant) it's another day at the office.
There's no 'You must get this much done today' on them and there are so many variables that will stop me getting to where I want to be but if it's a poor m2 day I catch it up.
Talk to the client daily and work with the site management but it's working around other contractors & us making way for each other that gets the job done.
The ICM Contractor I had off Lee Kenny is just a dream to use and never leaves me short, never take it much above tick over but it eats volume.
A big week takes Friday & Saturday to recover but I just love doing the work, still.
Was diagnosed with Scoliosis of the spine last year, after ten years of major Sciatica so that makes it harder. This I'm told will be a massive full spine straightening operation and if I haven't finished by the time I have the operation there'll be no option but to stop.