Hi Bob,
Can do
The core Payatrader proposition is a "Pay As You Go" card processing service. There are no monthly fees, no minimum usage charges and no minimum term contract. This means if you don't take a payment there's nothing to pay. Also, with Payatrader, you do not need to open a separate merchant account - which saves you more money and makes the set-up quicker, normally within a day or so.
When you do take a payment you pay a small commission between 2.3% and 2.9% on Mastercard and Visa. The rate you pay is based on your weekly card turnover & the solution automatically gives you the best rate based on this. The rates are banded and are shown on our website at payatrader.com.
There are 5 ways to take a payment - online at your website (or customers can pay at our website), over the telephone using a virtual terminal, by mobile phone via payatrader.mobi and by calling our 24/7 payments line.
Settlement is weekly direct into your nominated bank account.
This is the core service that normally costs £99 to set up an account (one off fee) but which is discounted for forum members by £25 using code CLEANITUP.
The new Chip & Pin terminal is entirely optional.
So as you can see you can set up for £74 and have 5 channels available to you within a day - with no recurring fees whatsoever!
Here is a video link that helps explain it:
http://player.vimeo.com/video/53943793The way you join is online at our website