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  • Posts: 3
Marble Staining
« on: February 09, 2006, 07:57:45 pm »
We have just taken over a commerical contact about 3 months ago. The problem is light yellow staining on the marble floor under the urinal.

Any sugestions on how to:
1. Remove the the staining

2. Ensure it doesn't happen again

David Lauder

  • Posts: 50
Re: Marble Staining
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2006, 11:36:54 am »

Firstly the marble will be etched - urine is acidic and this will react with the calcium in marble. The marble will need to be diamond honed and then re-polished.

If the marble has stained then a poultice should be applied - but there may be other factors causing the discolouration that need to be discountered first.

You can contact me should you need to discuss further

David Lauder