When interviewing, ask them to butter a slice of bread.Observe closely and you will easily figure out whether they get an SL-X or a Brodex alloy !
I`ve just buttered 3 slices and definitely qualify for the extreme but its been a lengthy process.3 years ago i`d have wrecked a Brodex alloy and regularly wrecked slices of bread.
So thank you Alex Gardiner for bringing out products that taught me how to clean glass and frames without trying to tear the skin off them.
I recommend the bread buttering assessment is introduced periodically to monitor your staff.As soon as a good standard of buttering has been achieved,chuck in an SL-X and if your a total git up the daily workload as now real speed is on the cards.If your not a total git then simply reward your manually dexterous employees with the best kit and introduce a new commision scheme to reflect expected increases in productivity.