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stuart mc

  • Posts: 7775
Re: Camping heater
« Reply #20 on: December 14, 2012, 11:22:53 pm »
I am liking this circulate idea, could fill up at night with cold and circulate at the same time keeping the van frost free and recirculate in morning before heading out with no heater or gas in the van

Got a new word, Stu?  :D

yep do you like it :D

that is good, I am now going to circulate some aluminium, I take a full can of tennents then drink it then circulate them to the recycling bin, so my circulating is taking a harmful substance, disposing of it and recirculating the aluminium to a useful source ;) so no one will get harmed by the harmful substance and the local council get their recycle i.e circulate quotas, so all is good ;D
Yes, I do  ;).

G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Re: Camping heater
« Reply #21 on: December 14, 2012, 11:55:51 pm »
Enjoy your drink circulating.

P @ F

  • Posts: 6312
Re: Camping heater
« Reply #22 on: December 15, 2012, 08:32:07 pm »
Does this kind of heater seem to make things a bit more like grief ?
I have run an L5 for 2 years now with no issues at all , 5 minutes to put it in when summer ends , job done for the winter , no extra wiring , run it min gas min flow and bobs your mothers brother , keep working , only issue i could pick is the 20 min timer , but watch your clock and dead end as and when needed .

I'm so lazy I'm getting tired of it !

Re: Camping heater
« Reply #23 on: December 16, 2012, 08:24:15 pm »
They dont run as hot as the L5 and the tap is prob not as good a connection. I've spent money now but won't get rid of the L5 just yet.

R.C Property

  • Posts: 1599
Re: Camping heater
« Reply #24 on: December 16, 2012, 09:17:05 pm »
Does this kind of heater seem to make things a bit more like grief ?
I have run an L5 for 2 years now with no issues at all , 5 minutes to put it in when summer ends , job done for the winter , no extra wiring , run it min gas min flow and bobs your mothers brother , keep working , only issue i could pick is the 20 min timer , but watch your clock and dead end as and when needed .


Nothing wrong with having the timer, even on my big places I never leave it running for 20min non stop, all you need to do is turn it off for a second or two via tap and it resets the timer.

Don't you leave it in there to use during the summer as it's great on first cleans and if you get a real dirt conservatory roof to clean, saves a real lot of time!

Re: Camping heater
« Reply #25 on: June 04, 2013, 05:04:54 pm »