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Lee Pryor

  • Posts: 2287
Re: with my end of year update video near, answer me this
« Reply #80 on: December 12, 2012, 12:15:55 pm »
our leaflet upsells for us Ian, We get untold requests for extra services with first cleans.
The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Window Washers

  • Posts: 9036
Re: with my end of year update video near, answer me this
« Reply #81 on: December 12, 2012, 12:28:48 pm »
our leaflet upsells for us Ian, We get untold requests for extra services with first cleans.
cool, but that didnt answer my question fella, it does matter im sure the video will, i just hate waiting  ;D
If your not willing to learn, No one can help you, If you are determined to learn, No one can stop you ;)


Re: with my end of year update video near, answer me this
« Reply #82 on: December 12, 2012, 12:44:20 pm »
I certainly havnt had 2000 new customers! less than a 1000. But people on here get caught up with that, its not important how many customers you have or gain the money is the important bit!

To take on my own leafleters would be impossible in terms of the volume we have done.

£20k was spent on printing and delivering leaflets nothing else.
Hi lee. Less than 1000 is still a bit vague. How many did you pick up? 10 is less than 1000!   ;D  
20k is a shed load of money to spend on leaflets. For that kind of money, could you not employ a full time canvasser?  I bet they would beat your 1000 estimate.  If they canvassed for 300 days in a year, they would only need 3.4 customers a day and you hit 1000. That should be easy peasy.  As most people will tell you, when it comes to canvassing, you can't beat door knocking. Offer 20k and I bet you will have a queue at your door all the way up the street. You could take your pick of folks!  Fair play to ya though!

Hi Steve. The things you have said there are simply wrong IMO (dont be offended I just have alot of experience in this matter) Door knocking does not come close at all.

you have focused on the most unimportant number and thats how many customers you get. Yes 20k is alot but what If I told you the extra services we got in on top of regular customers (gutters, con roof, jetting, fascia and so on) total £14k meaning I actualy only spent 6k meaning customers are costing me less than £10 each (find a canvasser charging that! dont think so). what if I then told you our anual turnover increased by £80k. would you then think that was a good return for my £20k? I do. Infact any ROI withing 12 months is considered very good in the world of business. Door knocking simply cannot give that return at all. retention rates are terrible for door knocked customers and you simply cannot cover a big enough area.

i totaly disagree and am challanging you with your statement. "doorknocking doesnt even come close at all"

my plus sides to canvassing over leafleting.

canvassers are not that hard to find and window cleaning canvassing isnt rocket science either and they will get deals for 5-10 pound a comfirmed customer that you pay a canvasser.
not that i plan to but 20k divided by 5 pound a deal would be 4000 new customers from canvassed work even if you did it at 10 pound a deal it would be 2000 customers from canvassed work much more than your under 1000 that you said you have gained.
before you say that the retention will not be 4000 customers id argue it as a canvasser would have to replace dropouts and the 1 offs where as the 1 off's from leaflets you would have to wave goodbye to.
Also canvassing naturally will build a much more compact business over leaflets, i dont know where your going with offering extra services with leaflets to add extras as i offer extra services to all my customers with a welcome letter explaining what else we do and how we work etc also i have the extras that i do on my collection slips as does most peoploe which isnt an issue unless i didnt understand what you meant.

i know you are happy with your return of around 1000 new customers from 250000 leaflets. it still only works out 1 in 250 houses though which will be so spread out no matter how many times you re-leaflet an area a.
with canvassing you would get between 15 and 20 new deals per 250 doors knocked and would all be all in a much more condenced area creating around 12500 new customers which beats leafletting hands down as long as canvasser replaces dropouts but even if he doesnt and retention is only 10 percent canvassing would still win.

like i said i have no interest in rapid growth like you im just arguing your quote "doorknocking doesnt even come close at all".

i cant think of any cons to canvassing over leafletting for a rapid growth point of view. id rather customers all compact where i can do 3-5 from the same spot without having to drive, pull hose out reel hose back in 25+ times a day.
hat off to you though as you pull in double what i do with your 2 vans over mine.


Re: with my end of year update video near, answer me this
« Reply #83 on: December 12, 2012, 12:53:27 pm »
could someone tell me what ROI stands for?


Re: with my end of year update video near, answer me this
« Reply #84 on: December 12, 2012, 01:15:13 pm »
return on investment. found it.  ;D


  • Posts: 2506
Re: with my end of year update video near, answer me this
« Reply #85 on: December 12, 2012, 01:38:58 pm »
return on investment. found it.  ;D
I don't agree it's easy to get canvassers. I have advertised time and again and offered good money, not just commission based, and not a single peson was interested.

Leafletters is a different matter. I advertise in exactly the same way and I have them coming out my ears. They just won't doorknock.


Re: with my end of year update video near, answer me this
« Reply #86 on: December 12, 2012, 01:45:03 pm »
return on investment. found it.  ;D
I don't agree it's easy to get canvassers. I have advertised time and again and offered good money, not just commission based, and not a single peson was interested.

put an add on gumtree stateing easy canvassing job available in the window cleaning market. x 2 vacancies gaining customers averaging 5 leads an hour at x amount per lead.
i must be lucky then as i always find them either from working, down the pub, customers unemployed sons etc. just put the word out your looking for canvassers. even tell your staff that they need to do it with you to maintain there work load. better still go out on your own and canvass yourself.


  • Posts: 3029
Re: with my end of year update video near, answer me this
« Reply #87 on: December 12, 2012, 07:24:17 pm »
mick do you pay em per paying customer on a first clean and ask em to replace if they dont stick ?if so thats one hell of a deal offering a fiver and getting it guaranteed :)
at £5 per "paying first clean" is good which is a good deal

the problem is leads and paying customers are worlds apart
canvasser could pull 15 and only get 7 to pay other 8 say next time
out of those 7 3 could pay and canel right away
if it was £5 per paying customer the canvasser would have been paid £35 for that day if 3 cancel does your canvasser replace it for free so in actual fact his true earnins are only £20 that would be a bad day

i dont think people will hang around long if they are then you are on to a winner i know cos i find it hard or found it hard keeping canvassers (not in the mood for canvassed work at the mo) who wanted to work for that sort of payment however i offered £5-£10 if the customer retained or canceled it was kinda ok as about 50% did stick

now some days could be better then others say a brillant day 20 paying customers 15 pay  thats £75 and only say 2 pay and cancel so would your guys really replace those 2 for free?

also i think the advantage leafletting could have over canvassers is you no longer need to rely on others to build up a customer base you could strike a deal with someone to knock for you at your rates not his he says fine he is going to do this full time then after 3-4 days you get 10 leads and he quits?now you might have promised someone a job,these are the problems i had so i had to choose to do it myself which i used to love (not anymore lol) or pay a higher price,if its working for you and you are getting loads of paying first cleans for a fiver and long term then i wouldnt change anything i dont think.

i just want to try this leafletting game out you cant beat cold callers mate, they went out the way to pick up the phone thats almost priceless
i had 3 cold inquiries this week a bit more then the usual 1-2, maybe becos of the family coming over for chirstmas each and every one were doubled on the first clean
£30 full next time £15
£40 next time £20
£20 next time £10
these 3 will think long and hard before canceling none of them liked paying that much and i told them they never will it goes down half price.
when i do it that way i get 90% stick rate,

if i tryed that on the doors at least 2 out of 3 would have said "let me call you" do it for single values then we start going down the how many are serious and how many just want a one off cos its cheap no matter how you canvass ive looked smart,window cleaner smart, uniform, normal,used female canvasser,said regular only,try us out,this is the idea, anything you say you cant get away from the begging factor cos thats what canvassing is its begging and some people will always abuse that always

anyway im sure ill never get away from it ,but im gona have a £1500 punt on 25,000 leaflets delivered maybe mid jan after i tweak my leaflet a bit (its more of a canvassing kind with a price box) what amazes me the most is they are going to be dropped in 1 day  :o
i know even with bad canvassers you get at least 50% back say on first clean and this way i have no guarantees it is scary but lees figures so far have been intresting
ive worked out if i get say at least 50 paying customers ill be almost level or down 30% im hoping i can at least break even so i just want about 2 payers per thousand game on :)


  • Posts: 1076
Re: with my end of year update video near, answer me this
« Reply #88 on: December 12, 2012, 08:04:26 pm »
mick do you pay em per paying customer on a first clean and ask em to replace if they dont stick ?if so thats one hell of a deal offering a fiver and getting it guaranteed :)
at £5 per "paying first clean" is good which is a good deal

the problem is leads and paying customers are worlds apart
canvasser could pull 15 and only get 7 to pay other 8 say next time
out of those 7 3 could pay and canel right away
if it was £5 per paying customer the canvasser would have been paid £35 for that day if 3 cancel does your canvasser replace it for free so in actual fact his true earnins are only £20 that would be a bad day

i dont think people will hang around long if they are then you are on to a winner i know cos i find it hard or found it hard keeping canvassers (not in the mood for canvassed work at the mo) who wanted to work for that sort of payment however i offered £5-£10 if the customer retained or canceled it was kinda ok as about 50% did stick

now some days could be better then others say a brillant day 20 paying customers 15 pay  thats £75 and only say 2 pay and cancel so would your guys really replace those 2 for free?

also i think the advantage leafletting could have over canvassers is you no longer need to rely on others to build up a customer base you could strike a deal with someone to knock for you at your rates not his he says fine he is going to do this full time then after 3-4 days you get 10 leads and he quits?now you might have promised someone a job,these are the problems i had so i had to choose to do it myself which i used to love (not anymore lol) or pay a higher price,if its working for you and you are getting loads of paying first cleans for a fiver and long term then i wouldnt change anything i dont think.

i just want to try this leafletting game out you cant beat cold callers mate, they went out the way to pick up the phone thats almost priceless
i had 3 cold inquiries this week a bit more then the usual 1-2, maybe becos of the family coming over for chirstmas each and every one were doubled on the first clean
£30 full next time £15
£40 next time £20
£20 next time £10
these 3 will think long and hard before canceling none of them liked paying that much and i told them they never will it goes down half price.
when i do it that way i get 90% stick rate,

if i tryed that on the doors at least 2 out of 3 would have said "let me call you" do it for single values then we start going down the how many are serious and how many just want a one off cos its cheap no matter how you canvass ive looked smart,window cleaner smart, uniform, normal,used female canvasser,said regular only,try us out,this is the idea, anything you say you cant get away from the begging factor cos thats what canvassing is its begging and some people will always abuse that always

anyway im sure ill never get away from it ,but im gona have a £1500 punt on 25,000 leaflets delivered maybe mid jan after i tweak my leaflet a bit (its more of a canvassing kind with a price box) what amazes me the most is they are going to be dropped in 1 day  :o
i know even with bad canvassers you get at least 50% back say on first clean and this way i have no guarantees it is scary but lees figures so far have been intresting
ive worked out if i get say at least 50 paying customers ill be almost level or down 30% im hoping i can at least break even so i just want about 2 payers per thousand game on :)

dont bother jan or beginning of feb :-*

Re: with my end of year update video near, answer me this
« Reply #89 on: December 12, 2012, 08:18:52 pm »
I gotta say I am amazed how much money people are willing to throw at leaflet dropping. :) :o

Maybe we have a high illteracy rate in Telford, but I know for sure that leaflet dropping does not work here.  I personally know about 25 window cleaners in Telford, had 6 or 7 work for me in their early days and then gone off and done their own thing.  Some leaflet dropped and spend thousands doing so.  They averaged less than 1 customer per 200 leaflets.  They  then went canvassing and eventually, as in 2 to 4 months, got enough work for 5 days a week!  They only canvassed 1 or 2 evenings a week too.

I have a very high success rate with canvassing because I know how to pitch it.  I think paying someone to canvass without teaching them how to pitch, could be a waste of time.  Notice that I said teaching and not telling, there is a difference.  The pitch needs to be right, if it is, work will come.

I suppose it is horses for courses though.  What works for one, may not work for another.  Still, 20K though?  Wow! ???


Re: with my end of year update video near, answer me this
« Reply #90 on: December 12, 2012, 08:21:21 pm »
I wish you all the luck crystal clear i like your posts and you seem a realy honest guy. I agree leafletting is also a good way to gain work i just disagreed with lee saying doorknocking doesnt come close to leafleting. i too am interested in trying a leaflet drop inside the areas i already clean just to see the outcome..reason being all the people who never do a deal on the doorstep may go for the leaflet approach and vice versa with people seeing many different leaflets daily where a lot get thrown away withought a 2nd look which is what i generally do, always getting driveway, carpet cleaning, window cleaning, takeay leaflets etc comeing through the door but hardly ever get a canvasser for knocking window cleaning.
And yes i have 2 canvassers that i pay £5 for every customer they get both are doing it for beer tokens and both realy appreciate the extra money. i had a couple of girls doing it few months ago while they were job hunting which worked well for them averaging 10 deals a night each so they were earning nicely out of it. If its an odd few that drop out here and there i dont ask for replacements its only when a canvasser gains it as a chancer and it fails on them when i ask for a replacement. Ie miss wording 1offs etc. if trained right and the right targeted properties are done then no real retention problems will arise.
Just for me canvassing will always win hands down over the amount gained and the compactivity of it all over leaflets. I know many succesfull window cleaning companies round my way who have built all up from scratch from canvassing and using canvassers, i also know of many who bought there fully working compact rounds they purchased for 3.5 cleans from pds who are a big window cleaning canvassing company who pay there staff 50% of the first clean which is no different to how i pay roughly £5 a customer. Apart from pat dudly was a self made millionaire from it. If you do a search on here you will see the level of work he sold through hes canvassers working the south east for him over the past 20 odd years.


Re: with my end of year update video near, answer me this
« Reply #91 on: December 12, 2012, 08:30:16 pm »
I gotta say I am amazed how much money people are willing to throw at leaflet dropping. :) :o

Maybe we have a high illteracy rate in Telford, but I know for sure that leaflet dropping does not work here.  I personally know about 25 window cleaners in Telford, had 6 or 7 work for me in their early days and then gone off and done their own thing.  Some leaflet dropped and spend thousands doing so.  They averaged less than 1 customer per 200 leaflets.  They  then went canvassing and eventually, as in 2 to 4 months, got enough work for 5 days a week!  They only canvassed 1 or 2 evenings a week too.

I have a very high success rate with canvassing because I know how to pitch it.  I think paying someone to canvass without teaching them how to pitch, could be a waste of time.  Notice that I said teaching and not telling, there is a difference.  The pitch needs to be right, if it is, work will come.

I suppose it is horses for courses though.  What works for one, may not work for another.  Still, 20K though?  Wow! ???

Exactly i train the girls to say they are helping there bf build hes window cleaning round up which works a treat as all the old girls love a female approach and also the men wont shut the door in there face and are a bit more laid back than if a bloke knocks,
 where as when i have men doing it i get them to drop in the pitch that they are building up a round for a local guy who has been made redundant, little white lies here and there go a a long way when building a solid customer base up.


  • Posts: 1076
Re: with my end of year update video near, answer me this
« Reply #92 on: December 12, 2012, 08:46:05 pm »
I gotta say I am amazed how much money people are willing to throw at leaflet dropping. :) :o

Maybe we have a high illteracy rate in Telford, but I know for sure that leaflet dropping does not work here.  I personally know about 25 window cleaners in Telford, had 6 or 7 work for me in their early days and then gone off and done their own thing.  Some leaflet dropped and spend thousands doing so.  They averaged less than 1 customer per 200 leaflets.  They  then went canvassing and eventually, as in 2 to 4 months, got enough work for 5 days a week!  They only canvassed 1 or 2 evenings a week too.

I have a very high success rate with canvassing because I know how to pitch it.  I think paying someone to canvass without teaching them how to pitch, could be a waste of time.  Notice that I said teaching and not telling, there is a difference.  The pitch needs to be right, if it is, work will come.

I suppose it is horses for courses though.  What works for one, may not work for another.  Still, 20K though?  Wow! ???

What's your pitch m8.
I love hearing canvassing techniques..


  • Posts: 3029
Re: with my end of year update video near, answer me this
« Reply #93 on: December 12, 2012, 10:05:28 pm »
hehe thanks mick, sorry about the long post i see how you mean now , its normally people who need a bit of extra money and when they leave you very easily replace them i wish i was like that but i get annoyed when people leave! or stop turning up

solar 1 in 200  :o id be a millionaire that's 5 per thousand my average first clean price is going to be minimum £30 so that's £150 total (not including extras) x 25 is £3750 thats a profit of £2250 based on that figure all i would do is triple the drop 75,000 for £4,500 brings in £11250 profit of £6750

hehe 1 in 200 mate ill be onto a winner i wish it would be like that, i think ill call it a success if i get about 1 per thousand so say 25 good customers which will bring in about £750
i know i could get that canvassed my self in a good week but ive had enof of begging for now i wana try this out :)

Carl good point but if i plan to expand ill need to drop in jan and spring and summer im expecting spring to be better i just hope i get around 25 customers out of it im gona keep my expectations low not to get upset and hopefully ill continue the leaflet dream of people ringing you up so i can charge them properly :)
i wana see lees breakdown too so wana say thanks to him again for sharing this info otherwise i wouldn't have looked at this seriously so far what ive heard from him you gota admit you cant say its not worth a try


  • Posts: 1076
Re: with my end of year update video near, answer me this
« Reply #94 on: December 12, 2012, 10:36:15 pm »
hehe thanks mick, sorry about the long post i see how you mean now , its normally people who need a bit of extra money and when they leave you very easily replace them i wish i was like that but i get annoyed when people leave! or stop turning up

solar 1 in 200  :o id be a millionaire that's 5 per thousand my average first clean price is going to be minimum £30 so that's £150 total (not including extras) x 25 is £3750 thats a profit of £2250 based on that figure all i would do is triple the drop 75,000 for £4,500 brings in £11250 profit of £6750

hehe 1 in 200 mate ill be onto a winner i wish it would be like that, i think ill call it a success if i get about 1 per thousand so say 25 good customers which will bring in about £750
i know i could get that canvassed my self in a good week but ive had enof of begging for now i wana try this out :)

Carl good point but if i plan to expand ill need to drop in jan and spring and summer im expecting spring to be better i just hope i get around 25 customers out of it im gona keep my expectations low not to get upset and hopefully ill continue the leaflet dream of people ringing you up so i can charge them properly :)
i wana see lees breakdown too so wana say thanks to him again for sharing this info otherwise i wouldn't have looked at this seriously so far what ive heard from him you gota admit you cant say its not worth a try

email me m8


Re: with my end of year update video near, answer me this
« Reply #95 on: December 12, 2012, 10:37:50 pm »
Thats the thing crystal you dont need the canvassers for long as it doesnt take that long to build up. I built 2nd round up in 4 months from canvassing and hitting the sale/sold boards by using 2 canvassers and myself. many local cleaners to me leaflet and where i have hit the last year hard canvassing those leaflets from others have helped me gain the customer from where they hadnt got round to phoning or chasing a window cleaner. I only advertise in 1 place which is a free advert on and i get 30 odd calls from that in summer months. If you want to throw money on jogpost just to deliver maybe it would be worthwhile spending your money on a big add on yell or similar and find your own leafleters. Id deliver mine myself with the mrs and my daughter and pay my cleaners to do some too. No need to throw away 20k for a middle man to get rich out of.
Id recomend you canvas the area you want to the max and then use leaflets to fill in the gaps to compact it to the brim. Thats what im going to do anyway. Never ever dropped a leaflet in my life so going to give it a go in new year with 50000 leaflets inside my area if it gets me another 50-100 customers to compact things even more then happy days ill repeat the process in 6 months time.

Re: with my end of year update video near, answer me this
« Reply #96 on: December 12, 2012, 10:51:04 pm »
I gotta say I am amazed how much money people are willing to throw at leaflet dropping. :) :o

Maybe we have a high illteracy rate in Telford, but I know for sure that leaflet dropping does not work here.  I personally know about 25 window cleaners in Telford, had 6 or 7 work for me in their early days and then gone off and done their own thing.  Some leaflet dropped and spend thousands doing so.  They averaged less than 1 customer per 200 leaflets.  They  then went canvassing and eventually, as in 2 to 4 months, got enough work for 5 days a week!  They only canvassed 1 or 2 evenings a week too.

I have a very high success rate with canvassing because I know how to pitch it.  I think paying someone to canvass without teaching them how to pitch, could be a waste of time.  Notice that I said teaching and not telling, there is a difference.  The pitch needs to be right, if it is, work will come.

I suppose it is horses for courses though.  What works for one, may not work for another.  Still, 20K though?  Wow! ???

What's your pitch m8.
I love hearing canvassing techniques..
Nothing flash at all. I just ask if they need a window cleaner! But I think and have been told by many customers that image is everything.  I never go in work clothes or looking a million dollars either, but smart. I am clean shaven, not tattooed or pierced, smile, turn on the charm and KABOOM, I have customers! You gotta be honest, friendly and believable, three qualities which are often sadly lacking these days. (Not aimed at anyone, just a sweeping statement.)

Lee Pryor

  • Posts: 2287
Re: with my end of year update video near, answer me this
« Reply #97 on: December 12, 2012, 11:01:27 pm »
canvassing or leafletting, would someone please explain to why why spending £20k and getting a return increased turnover of 80K a year plus £14k of exras on top of that turnover is a bad return within a 12 month period.

It doesnt matter how much money you spend on what if you get the reurn, that is the important bit. Why does everyone keep missing that poin? I just dont get it?

The only reason I was able to spend that much on that is because ive spent years and lots of money trying and testing my methods to a point where I have the experience and confidence to spend that and know I will get the return.

If you went to any business investor like dragons den and proved a 4 fold return on investment or better within 12 months they would take your hand off.
The best way to predict the future is to create it.


  • Posts: 1076
Re: with my end of year update video near, answer me this
« Reply #98 on: December 12, 2012, 11:26:02 pm »
Thats the thing crystal you dont need the canvassers for long as it doesnt take that long to build up. I built 2nd round up in 4 months from canvassing and hitting the sale/sold boards by using 2 canvassers and myself. many local cleaners to me leaflet and where i have hit the last year hard canvassing those leaflets from others have helped me gain the customer from where they hadnt got round to phoning or chasing a window cleaner. I only advertise in 1 place which is a free advert on and i get 30 odd calls from that in summer months. If you want to throw money on jogpost just to deliver maybe it would be worthwhile spending your money on a big add on yell or similar and find your own leafleters. Id deliver mine myself with the mrs and my daughter and pay my cleaners to do some too. No need to throw away 20k for a middle man to get rich out of.
Id recomend you canvas the area you want to the max and then use leaflets to fill in the gaps to compact it to the brim. Thats what im going to do anyway. Never ever dropped a leaflet in my life so going to give it a go in new year with 50000 leaflets inside my area if it gets me another 50-100 customers to compact things even more then happy days ill repeat the process in 6 months time.

you really are my canvassing man.
every time i read a post of yours on canvassing it fills me with hope and dread. ;)  even though my last canvassed custies are 80% still with us.

i hate canvassing with a vengeance, but every time i read your success with canvassing i get that feeling to goo out and bash some doors.  it never happens lol , i have not canvassed in 2 years.
what is your sales pitch ?
i know its a vague question but i take onboard all comments/help.

i have mass leafletted with great response but the 1k per month costs are a weight i would not mind shedding?

now dont get me wrong all lee pryors advice to me has transformed my thoughts and business. and he really is a superb business man and entrepreneur in his approach.
however i never put all my eggs in 1 basket.

i am thinking of doing 150k leaflets next year which would cost £11k and not canvas.
should i do 500 per week and canvass them after = 26k leaflets  =£1200 and me delivering em in my areas and only the houses i want, then canvassing them..thats probably an hour to deliver them each day and 3 hours knocking everyday. so 4 hrs solid drop & knock. (i would knock the day after BTW)
what would be your expected return of knocking 500 doors custie wise without pre leafletting them ? and again what would your expected return on a pre leafletted custie be?
is 20 new custies after a leaflet drop of 500 leaflets to be expected? if so thats a massive ROI lol.
1000 just leafletted custies  with a 1% return max= 10 new custies = cost £100+  = £10 each and quite solid custies after they ring you.( not always the case by the way)

the gaining new custies ideas really really enlightens me...

talk about a massive choice????

i even tried to employ a salesman but my advances drew nothing last year, tried gumtree , even the jobcentre........thats how much i hate canvassing.

500 new leafletted custies  canvassed with a 1/10 ratio should produce 50 new custies, say half these are messers etc , thats still 25 new custies  per 500 lealflets

or have i got my numbers all wrong?
mick its over to you


Re: with my end of year update video near, answer me this
« Reply #99 on: December 13, 2012, 12:59:21 am »
Cheers carl i always find between 60 and 80% will still be there if serviced well after 6 months. I just love the canvas world combined with window cleaning as it fits together perfectly i cant answere about leafleting before canvassing as i dint see the point in making 2 trips to the same house to get custom,
 before window cleaning canvassing i used to build up milk rounds for milkman which is a verey hard sell so i can take al the negatives and the millions of no's the people want to give on the chin and keep fighting for that lovely word yes.

Ill explain how i built my 2nd round so rapid. I source an area of a 5 mile radious or thereabouts thati want to hit and fine toothpick the whole area making note of all the busy roads, roads with big victorian houses with big bay windows and roads with houses that have dorma windows( where are near impossible to hit with ladders safely). Also roads near a lot of greenary trees etc then lastly i go to the quiet lanes with massive houses with long driveways i try stay away from council areas and normal terrace/semi style houses untill i finish all my targeted work.
 i then get a few canvassers together and start with hitting the busy main roads first as thats where you hit the best results. I always start the new deals for a saturday when first building that same week so can benefit from neighbours seeing you and asking for theres to be done too. My target aim is 2 nights canvassing for a full days work on main roads which 9 times out of 10 is achievable. I got a full weeks work (2-250 a day) on just the busy main roads alone by the end of the first month.
The next stage was all the big victorian terrace houses and dormas aiming for front only cleans at £10 a pop which took slightly longer to get than the busy main roads but still can get a good hit rate taking 2-3 evenings to get a days work with 3 canvassers. We built up 2 solid weeks of this type of house from 22 roads over 2 months canvassing 3 nights a week. Again £250 a day 25 jobs still booking. Then to fill the last week we hit all the other areas i picked out where we got a week of £300+ days work from the biggies mixed with the sappy greenary houses.thats when i call it a day with the canvassers when the full month is there after 4 months of 3 evenings a week canvassing(roughly give or take).
Throughout the process i got mega amounts of messers but they are to be expected in the canvassing game.
next step i sourced a cleaner to work with me, after training him up i like to try and compact my round to the max so i play my sale/sd game(you have to play it as a game or it gets to tedious searching for sold houses all day long)
i jot down in a book the address of every for sale and sold board in a 3 sectioned table(for sale, sold and moved in). I wont bore you with the story on those as is self explanitry i waited for the sold boards to go over the weeks/months of working the round and pounce the new owners with a simple pitchof,"hi i have noticed you have just moved in, im the local window cleaner around here and im guessing you would like to be put on the books". and 9times out of 10 they do. I have been doing that since may untill present and have over 1000 addresses in my book that im waiting on pouncing on when the sold boards go down. the list grows and grows each week which is getting to be a headache as is a job on its own now looking for them all through the week and pouncing them on a sunday however its gaining me an extra 20-30 new customers a month from just playing a waiting and observing game.
In the new year thats where the leaflets will come in which im a newbie to so havnt a clue how that will go but from lee's description of it it hopefully will be a success. i will leaflet all the roads i already clean in and hopefully hit another 50 customers from 50000 leaflets. The target is to have £300-350 a day of compact work from this round and At the mo those 50 customers i hopefully get from leaflets will be that icing on the cake and target complete. That is where ill source another worker to help clean the round and get on with starting to build round 3.