whats very interesting on this poll, there are nearly 20% of people looking to go hot, yet none at time of replying fitted by a supplier.
Would be interesteing to understand why this is, are the suppliers lacking in something, or if it purely down to cost ?
Ionics have played at very good part in making our industry what it is today although they didnt start it, they just helped it be wider known via there marketing efforts
What I find very interesting that hot users are not raving about it on maintenence cleaning rather new cleans and add ons. and the time of year its used not being winter thats very interesting indeed.
Yet people say they use hot all year round, whys this ?
this is why I like creating different posts and polls some more off the wall than others

, it allows everyone 'myself included' to get better insight into things and different thoughts of people.
We dont use hot yet and the reason is simply I had it demonstrated by two companies and each failed to clean my windows well with it, yet I could clean well with cold.
for that reason alone i totally dismissed it (my mistake maybe, maybe not)
Will this change quite possibily if I can see the benifit to my business
it was recently I started to look once again more into it because I am looking to expand again and want to make this easier for first cleans and extras (automated sales funnel to gain extras if possible)
but again now it is cost against time will it save time, im hearing it is New cleans extras, and what the cost of that saving, im yet to work this figure out. anybody already been this anal and worked this out ?
having a warm hose and not freezing a couple of times a year is not a good enough reason for me to invest time and money into something, maybe others feel the same too ?
Im looking for answers on how long does it really shave off each job on maintenence cleans as this is where most of are work is.
how long does it save on first cleans, fascia and conservatory roofs (this really interests me as this would help massively with what im looking to do)
I am very interested to see what Lee Pryor does as I like the way he thinks and isnt scared to jump in and try something out.
I would love to go out with someone that has a hot system to test it out again, possibly on maintenance and extra cleans like a con roof or fascia.
Thats my thoughts on hot.
I am open to anything, whats your thoughts ?