We used them two weeks ago.
5000 leaflets in 1 day.
They provide a demographic stats report for the postcode you tell them. i.e how many private, council, rented, houses, flats or businesses.
On the day, you meet up with the team, in our case 4 joggers + 1 team leader. The leader shows you the route they will be taking and they set off. He also provides advice on your leaflets, as in, what is right/wrong, what is most effective.
Can't tell you if they got better response as this is the first time we have targeted domestic work.
The area we chose is a high end residential area of London. We have had 9 calls. Only 4 turned into goers, 1 @ 225 every 4 months, 1 @ 40 one-off, 1 @ 120 one off (PITA), 1 @ 50 every 3 months.
Give them a call, they dont give the hard sell