Noun: The action of buying and selling goods and services.
Not sure if there was a lot of boozed up people yesterday evening but reading this thread and seeing how it has been hijacked is pretty disgusting. I guess there are no less trolls in this part of the internet than any other. I suppose I though people sharing essentially the same business were more grounded. I was certainly shocked to see individuals with such high post counts on these forums resorting to personal attacks.
For anyone thinking Window Cleaning is simply about applying an applicator and squeegee or brush and pure water to glass... you're so very wrong! For a lot of guys Window Cleaning has been the opportunity to build their very own business from absolutely nothing, which involves a hell of a lot more
I set up in business as a Window Cleaner, at the age of 46 after being made redundant, with my 20 year old son who is a fully qualified electrician who couldn't get work when the recession hit the building industry as hard as it did. 2½ years later my son has got his own place and we're doing OK. Our Window Cleaning business still having huge scope for expansion and lots of potential to offer employment in an area that suffers with high unemployment.
From a very personal view point I welcome anything that will help me learn more about my new trade, whether it be from innovation from the likes of Alex Gardiner and his approach to WFP or the likes of Impact43 who cause me to stop and think about how we do what we do.
Will my City & Guilds Window Cleaning qualification win me business? It certainly won't do me any harm and it will look nice on our letter heads
(yes we have letterheads... go figure!) along side the FWC logo, CRB registration, etc. HSE involvement is becoming more and more prevalent in business, which means business is having to look closer at their suppliers, so it may even open a few doors.