I wasn't planning on getting involved with the HWE/LM cleaning debate, as I don't have enough experience of LM yet. But I'd be interested in the LM guys comments on this video, title 'How carpet cleaning should be'Loved the sad music, as it appears to be celebrating the death of a poor carpet...LOL But the Drimaster did a good job of restoring the carpet, a tool that works well as OTHERS do.
Ive just got the Hbot which is a similar machine and i am getting very impressed with the results .
John have you seen the hbot and is there much difference with it compared to the Trinity?If you all are truly interested in learning about OP, I will be happy to teach you about what it is, where we have come from and where we are going. It has been a LONG trip, I started with my father in 1973. I at this point have used OP longer than anyone in the US. We (dad and I) built the CCS BLue which was the first commercial OP. We used that ole blue for 28 years.
Then after all those years we built the Conqueror series, we added 50% more orbit to the mix, at that time Hruby, who was our customer and who later built the Orbot had bought his company from my cousin, who had bought it years before from my uncle Marv Obbink. Hruby first made an exact copy of our ole blue, later they changed and modified to come out with the Orbot. Challenger also made an OP, Kirk Jenkins had worked for me on building machines. so he then came out with his version, Clark Lancaster also built op, but he built square ones at the time. Later Clark, Challenger and Orbot all changed their orbit to match the Conquerors.
If you watch this video "The History of OP"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87bw3zZEQsk&feature=plcp that will give you a background of where we came from over the years and you will see, not only did we never shy away from filth, we sought it out to test our method. I traveled the US and parts of Canada showing the method and correcting carpet cleaning problems for cleaners on their home turf.
I know the video is long, but if you want to understand, this will really help you see we are not some part time, halfassed, low standard carpet cleaners and never have been. You have to laugh as the last song on the video is a song a competitor wrote and sang about me, he gives me a hard time, but I get a kick out of it anyways...LOL
Now as to the difference between the Trintiy and an orbot, challenger,or lancaster machines. The Trinity series is a newly patented machine, our lowest orbit (Trinty has three speeds) is faster than all our competitors. The high orbit does a few things we have NEVER done before, It utilizes the properties of encap products that we were not able to utilize before in that is quickly strips the fiber of all soils an stickies, which COULD NOT be done well with the lower orbit machines. I eliminated tip blooming because the orbit pulls the fiber to its full extent before coming back on its orbit. This has given us a quality of clean tha t is superior to what you see in the video above, that is all with the SLOWER orbit machines.
The Trinity machines have also given us speeds of clean we have never seen before, I have a video of cleaning commercial carpet at a rate of making $1125.00 an hour at 15cents a square foot. Here is that video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ioe4Ykqrb2g&feature=plcpUse this scenario, if your encapping a whole house there's nowhere to remove any furniture out of the rooms, so your pulling it away from walls and cleaning behind then putting back. If your not going back 24 hrs later to post vac your relying on the customer to a) have a decent enough vac and b) they would need to move all the furniture again to remove all the crystalized crap been left behind by encapping. Just wont happen. We all know that most customers don't even vac behind furniture anyway.No, don't use that scenario, first off, very limited soils on carpet under furniture, the encap solution has no negative impact on carpet, so they do not only not have to vac under the furniture, it indeed protects the carpets because it HASN"T be vacuumed out. Encapping does put dirt in little baggies ya know, encap strips the fibers and coats them as to eliminate the soil from reattaching to the fibers. Yes it is there to be vacuumed up, but where there is not usage, vacuuming is not needed nor required. In the traffic lanes it is readily vacuumed up, all we have done it turn the stickies into particulate soils that removed easily.
Also I don't know where this idea of "they clean more often over there" comes from, many customers do clean once every year or 18 months, but also many DON'T we get the same filth you all do. This is just carpet cleaning guys, and like I said, no knock on any system, just more than one way to skin a cat and skin it well. The comments usually just show fear of the unknown, but also probably (unintentionally) say negative things about what they don't understand.
Here is a video of the Trinity Working