Thank you for that straight forward question Mike.
The restaurant video is straight encap, so what are we doing?
First off the removing of soil in straight encap is done by the product, NOT the machine, the machine can only prepare the carpet to be cleaned.
For example, we all know 79% of soil is particulate that is vacuumed up, the rest is stuck to the fibers.
So what can LM do to remove that soil?
We use the encap solution along with extreme agitation to strip the stickies and soils from the carpet.
Then because we have "sloshed" this product at super high speed through all the fibers and stripped them, now we let it dry.
Once dried, the fibers are coated as to insure no wickbacks, plus the soils and stickies are not coated with a polymer, a good polymer will
now dry, crystalized and then the stickies and soil have also become "particulate" soils, again, easily removed by vacuuming.
Another debate is Deep pile carpet, if you knew how much moisture was moving at incredible rates of "sloshing" for lack of a better word through the fibers, you will understand we don't so much spray the carpet as much as we do keep enough moisture in the pad itself. You can NOT miss stripping the fibers when using this much agitation and moisture together. That is another reason many will tell you, either encap works or it doesn't the idea of it only working on commercial carpets is a misnomer of not understanding what is happening under the machine when it is over the carpet. You don't move anymore water through the carpet with HWE than you do with LM, the difference is, with LM you have the added agitation PLUS that moisture is sloshing side to side at high speed whipping through all the carpet fibers. The carpet dries in an hour or less because we keep the moisture MOVING along with the pad.
There is not that much difference (excluding the agitation) to what is going on between the wand and the carpet as there is between the pad and the carpet.
Hope this helps.
More cleaning pics: