I've been driving 12 years
Never had a crash
And don't intend to either
But still every day I always wear my seatbelt..
Same thing..
Potty mouth
thanks colin but now i have answered why i am to meet andrew could you please give me your opinion on likelihood of dropping a pole whilst in use
As i said before mate possible
So is winning the lottery POSSIBLE.
THANKYOU concept this is exactly the point i was looking for, from the few people that have posted we have had answers ranging from hihgly unlikely to possible and depending on which one of these we chose to fill in risk assessment would have a large impact on how we are expected to manage the risks.
Some have posted amount pole used and the times it has been dropped and from this we can get a better likelihood rating may be as a percentage so please bear with me and can you now enter the likelihood of dropping your pole as a percentge
Below 5%
BETWEEN 5 -35%
BETWEEN 35-65%
BETWEEN 65- 95%
So, having collapsed and extended the pole around 100 times in a day, anyone who says any % risk, means they will drop it at height, at least once a day.
Hook at the maths in my original post on the subject, I think that's a fair reflection across the board, so you really are looking at extremely unlikely odds of it happening.
If someone really sees it as a risk or even a possibility, based on FACT, not what POTENTIALLY could happen, given ABSOLUTE WORST case scenario, then they should question their future.
Health and Safety scaremainerers create problems that don't exist to justify their position. Not saying all issues are scare tactics as in some jobs there are REAL and present dangers, not in what we do, as I have shown you with a quick calculation.