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Tip for saving resin on Brodex machine
« on: November 12, 2012, 02:21:16 pm »
Hey all. Just a little tip if you have a Brodex machine for saving resin. 2 months ago my tds was rising from 0 to 1 then 2 within a few days. So when I flush the RO for an hour and a half each week I detach the pipe that comes from ro just before it goes into the resin and I aim that through some waste pipe directly down the drain.
Why I do this is because I noticed that when you start flushing the tds is in the high 200's straight away and this water goes into the resin, therefore using up valuable resin.
Since I have been doing this the resin has lasted at least 6 wheels longer so far and have not needed to change it. Then when the ro has had a thorough flushing I simply reconnect and make pure water. Simples!!
Every little tip helps. Cheers


  • Posts: 6100
Re: Tip for saving resin on Brodex machine
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2012, 02:43:27 pm »
Yes this is what I do every time I turn the RO on to produce water.
It's not just applicable to Brodex systems but other RO systems aswell.
The saving in resin usage by doing this is quite noticeable.
One of the Plebs


Re: Tip for saving resin on Brodex machine
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2012, 03:53:47 pm »
The more I read about these Brodex systems the more thankful I am
that I dont own one.
My ro filters water from a tds 210 down to 5 into the tank.
My pump is between the tank and resin chamber and which takes the water
down to 0 tds as I need it,
My first fill of resin lasted over two years and was still getting a reading of 2 when I changed it.
I flush once a week for 15 minutes (Instructions recommend 5 ) 100% of water runs to waste.
What is the tds of your tap water?

[GQC] Tim

  • Posts: 4536
Re: Tip for saving resin on Brodex machine
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2012, 04:41:46 pm »
Another reason why I have my two DI's after the pump.


Re: Tip for saving resin on Brodex machine
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2012, 10:53:15 pm »
"The more I read about these Brodex systems the more thankful I am
that I dont own one.
My ro filters water from a tds 210 down to 5 into the tank.
My pump is between the tank and resin chamber and which takes the water
down to 0 tds as I need it,
My first fill of resin lasted over two years and was still getting a reading of 2 when I changed it.
I flush once a week for 15 minutes (Instructions recommend 5 ) 100% of water runs to wastWhat is the tds of your tap water?"

my tds is 270 to 280.  The ro takes it down to 7.  I must say that is pretty impressive if you only have to flush for 15 mins and your resin lasted 2 years. What is your system and who made it? What size tank and how many fills per week? Interested to know, Cheers


Re: Tip for saving resin on Brodex machine
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2012, 11:43:28 pm »
Got my system from Sureclean ( They made and fit it.
A 650lt tank
A 4040 RO with a manual control lever to set the pure to waste ratio.(open it full to flush)
Used to run it 50/50 pure to waste but as its 4 years old now I run it 60/40 helps keep the tds lower.
The RO feeds the filtered water into the top of the  tank.
The bottom of the tank connects to the pump which goes to the 11 lt resin vessel.
Would use about 400 litres a day.
My first fill of resin lasted 3 years in total, but  I didnt count the first year
because I was building up my work load.
But if your resin is filtering 7ppm it should last a long time.


Re: Tip for saving resin on Brodex machine
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2012, 06:45:36 pm »
Cheers John sounds good  8)