I carded a street yesterday by my bank..the windows looked pretty mucky.
Within an hour, I had 4 customers confirmed...
While I was in the pricing mode on the phone to them (I know the houses in this road so no need to visit) I thought:
"I`ll go pretty high and see how I get on"
These are big, terraced with double bays (1 on bottom and 1 on top)
but standard windows to rear.
I only carded Upvc windows and quoted £15.00 every 4 weeks for whole house and £8.00 for front only.
3 want the whole house done and accepted the £15.00
1 wanted just the front done for £8.00 but grumbled a bit about being a pensioner and said "the last one charged £3.00 for the front...!!"
She accepted though, when I said:
"well, you have my card, give me a call if you need them doing"
" No, I`ll have them done but we don`t have much money you know"
I felt really guilty and was going to reduce their charge on Friday when I go to clean.
ANYWAY...tonight, I had a call from another potential customer in the same street...blah, blah, blah..."how much?"
"well I might be a little bit more expensive than your last window cleaner, your neighbour tells me they only paid £3.00 for the front...well I charge £8.00 for the front and £15.00 for whole house"
"I don`t know who told you that, but 15 years ago, I was paying £5.00 for the front plus £5.00 for the back when I was in...so £15.00 is fine thank you...when can you start?"
Believe me, it`s a great price for the job but I can`t help thinking now that the pensioner was trying it on...no discount for them now!!