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Make Money Selling Xmas Trees
« on: October 30, 2012, 11:28:26 am »

Learn how selling Christmas Trees generated me an ***EXTRA £40,000***, over the past 10 years...
Remove the worry of frost, snow and frozen pipes this winter… MAXIMISE the Profits in your business with-out increasing your overheads, PLUS build your window cleaning business at the same time…   

I will show you how you can start making profit from selling just 6 TREES this Christmas.
Think about it… if you have a window cleaning business how many times have you seen a tree in your clients house or garden at Christmas???

I have sold hundreds of trees to my window cleaning clients over the years, both commercial and domestic, too schools and raised money for charities at the same-time. I have met new people, generated more leads in the selling process and constantly build new sales opportunities for the New Year…

Do you want more sales leads, profits and clients for 2013???

Now you can also learn how to Increase your Profits, Generate more Sales Leads & Protect Your business this winter through selling Christmas trees, you only need to sell ***6 Trees*** to start making a Profit this Christmas

Get my FREE guide with all the hints, tips and strategies on how you can start making money Today!!!  

You can gain an insight into how I sold Christmas trees to commercial, domestic clients, why its worked and how you do the same….
If you are in the cleaning business like me winter can take its toll. I’ve been selling Christmas trees for 10 years. When work can slow up, with overheads and people still need to be paid; Christmas trees give you an opportunity to generate extra customers, profits and long-term value for your business.

Now you can make some extra money when it’s most needed for your business, family, charity of choice or any other organisation who need some extra funding. Meet new clients face to face when they were in a good mood and generate more leads and sales opportunities

***8 Million Christmas Trees*** sold in the UK alone and the market is growing!!!

Get my FREE guide with all the hints, tips and strategies on how you can start making money Today!!!

Yours sincerely


P.S. Seriously, this ‘Christmas tree business’ is real
P.P.S: I know it’s a bit random, but it’s worked for me and I know it can work for you to!!!