I think that although the window cleaning industry has moved forwards into the 21st century, mainly because of WFP and H & S, the mindset of some cleaners are still stuck in the 19th century.
Before wfp, every cleaner worked off a ladder and there was a huge shortfall of window cleaners, mainly because not everyone wants or can do ladder work.
Now everyone can be a window cleaner, I even trained up a 15 year girl who turned out to be very good window cleaner.
We also have to realise that society is changing, no more are customers willing to accept that they cannot go shopping on a wednesday afternoon because the shops close down for half a day every wednesday, they now can go shopping 24/7 and even on chistmas day.
Another example is the taxi trade, years ago it was a special occasion to use a taxi, the customers would dress up in their sunday best and it would be a big event for them, nowadays they go and sign on the dole, while their taxi is waiting outside so they can get back to their xbox faster.
Window cleaning is a service industry and customers attitudes are changing on what/ how and who they have as a window cleaner.
More business minded people are coming into the trade because without too much effort or skill they can have a business that pays for a good lifestyle.
These same people also look at running their businesses differently to what the older window cleaning generation are use too.
The customers are also becoming aware that they don't have to look too far to find a window cleaner now, and these new guy/girls are becoming more flexible in what type of service they offer.
When I first cleaned windows over 30 years ago, most houses were cleaned every 2 weeks, nowadays it every 4 weeks and even that is changing to 6 and 8 weekly cleans.
Personally I will look at everything to make me stand out from the competition, I have customers who have their windows cleaned from weekly to yearly, they are happy with me and I am happy with them.
and if you don't want to do this, then that is fine, you can carrying on dropping these customers, some other cleaner will be willing to offer this service, they will pick up your old customers and when you decide that enough is enough and you decide to leave the trade because of customer attitudes, think first on what you will now do, what factory job is going to replace your old earnings, freedom and lifestyle that window cleaning brought you?