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Steve Sed

G101/TFR etc on first cleans.
« on: October 03, 2012, 11:56:41 am »
I must admit I always thought this was a waste of time but I have been using G101 on first cleans for the last couple of weeks. It looks to me as though it gets the frames clean really quickly and thoroughly and saves the need for the second pass cleaning glass only. A really, really thorough rinse of the frame and window and "job's a good 'un" as some might say. Faster and cleaner. Brilliant job.

Re: G101/TFR etc on first cleans.
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2012, 12:13:02 pm »
I agree as long as you have the water flow to rinse off,which rinses pf easily. EG 5 lit+ a  min.