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  • Posts: 806
Epoxy resin
« on: October 02, 2012, 01:27:30 pm »
I refurbed my SLX on Saturday - renewing the clamps, good clean out, new extension limit warning tape. I used Evostik 5 minute epoxy in a 2 part syringe.

I failed to realise that the "5 minute" element related to how long the bond would hold. By the 3rd house today the clamp had come loose. As it happens it's pouring down, so i've bought an alternative and have mended the affected clamp.

I usually use this stuff:
It's a 24hour to set stuff, and hasn't let me down in the past, but my local supplier didn't have any so for now i'm using this:

I've also wound some insulation tape around the pole just below but abutting the clamp. Hopefully if a miss grabbing a section as I collapse the pole the clamp will be saved by the tape.


  • Posts: 823
Re: Epoxy resin
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2012, 02:13:47 pm »
Hi Carl
Broke the third bracket on my SLX yesterday.  I used epoxy resin last night just some general brand I had lying around to try and repair it - by the third house it had broken again :( And I don't have a spare pole >:( :(
We've been doing half and half today with only one pole tradding the downs until the  spare bracket arrives.
I have just bought some Evostick 5 Minute so thanks for the warning.
Are the old clamp bodies hard to get off.
Do you just saw through them and then lever them off?


  • Posts: 806
Re: Epoxy resin
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2012, 02:45:11 pm »
Hi Granny,


Firstly you have to understand why I am refrurbing the pole. It's my daily pole, used all day, day in day out at all lengths. I find that when collapsed there is a point when the clamp can't be tightened enough. Well it can be, but you can't then extend the pole. This is because the area of the section onto which the clamp grips when collapsed has worn fractionally over, say, a 2" section. If you extend each section (usually only the top two sections) a little the pole section is its original pre-worn thickness and the clamp grips. Eventually though you need a fix and that fix is the removal of a section of pole with the offending clamp, or removing the old clamp and reversing the sections, gluing new clamps onto what was the bottom of each section).

If you decide to reverse the sections this video will help:

Or this:

Frankly I saw through each section 2" below the old clamp removing it completely. This gives me a fresh section to glue a brand new clamp onto and importantly gives the new clamp fresh, unworn section of pole onto which to grip.

I get a new pole every year, but this time round my SLX seems to have worn in this way quicker than usual - anyone else feel the same?


  • Posts: 806
Re: Epoxy resin
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2012, 02:56:53 pm »
Just another thing - good on you Alex for showing how to get more life from the poles, rather just allowing people to buy new.