On a first clean we charge extra if theyre minging.
Some go for it some dont but the ones who dont prob turn out to be the 1 off brigade.
A recent one we had was about 2 months ago, little end terrace with a conny almost same size of house ... whole lot minging as "the last window cleaner just stopped coming" ..... possibly translates to "were crap customers"
quoted her as follows
"Our standard price for this type of house is £30 but once you become a regular
monthly customer it drops to £14"
her reply was the last one only charged £8 so as polite as I could just said well you can call him if you prefer.
long story short got the job but didnt end there as when we cleaned it no one home so texted her to say all done and left bank details / enverlope for payment ..... yes will sort tonight when get home came her reply.
Fast foward 2 weeks and no payment so went round to collect but no 1 home so called her which went to voicemail so left message.
Another 5 days no payment so called her .. voicemail .. left message .. no payment
Another 3 days called her .. voicemail ... left message ... no payment
so now calling her everyday and going to house but no 1 home.
After a few days of this got an apologetic text and promise of payment of the £30 which landed that evening.
Another text telling me she has set up a standing order for the £14 every month so future payment wont be delayed ... thought not cleaning house until I see standing order land in my account. ..... guess what still waiting !!