Hi Guys,
I've been using electronic flow controllers for the past 5 1/2 years. A couple of different major brands. To begin with I thought they were the best thing since sliced bread for all the usual reasons; like the ability to adjust the flow to what ever you need, the fact that the battery should last longer, you can buy a bigger pump and not run it as hard and theoretically it should last a lot longer and I'm sure there are some other reasons as well.
However in recent times I've started to think differently for the following reasons; I hardly ever change my flow, I just turn the pump on and off, I've noticed that the dead end detection varies through out the day depending on the charge in the battery thus changing pressure and also it's another thing to go wrong.
The second point about the dead end detection is a real bug-bare, at the beginning of the battery is fully charged giving a higher voltage reading, for some reason this causes the flow controls to drop the dead end detection buy a few point causing the pumps to cycle, less pressure in the system and rubbish flow. At the end of the day the battery getting empty and is reading lower voltage but now the pump dead end detection has raised by several points causing the cut off point to be much longer, increasing pressure and flow but also probably damaging the pumps, hose joints and also battery.
I do use 2 pumps and controllers off of one battery which is probably not recommended by most manufactures, but also only have a 650L system.
I'm now thinking that for my next system, I'll simply buy the correct sized pumps for my flow, with a simple adjustable pressure switch and wire in an on off switch. Has anyone else noticed the same kind of problems, does my simplification of things sound like a good idea?