I think the problem with some of the guys who are negative towards me, is that they finding it difficult to understand that I have found a product that works great but its some one else’s product.
well if you really think about it, there are thousands of products out in the market which has been labelled by some other company and been produced by another.
For example, when you go to the super market, if you notice there are lots of product ie: tomato juice, drink juice, tin food product, which has Tesco, Sainsbury or ect,,, label on them, but they have been produced by another company.
I don’t see where the problem is were I have discovered and labelled a great product which is beneficial to us all.
If any of you who are negative, would of come up with this idea, and would have done all the work for labelling, bottling, advertising this product, I would have encouraged you to do well because you have come up with some new idea.
Is the new ideas that we can clean windows in much better and easier way.
Is the new ideas that you can put all your customers in your computer and organise your daily work.
Is the new ideas that you can reach high building with very light poles.
Is the new ideas that we can go forward.