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Lee Gilroy

  • Posts: 129
Render Cleaning
« on: July 13, 2012, 08:16:06 am »
I am cleaning the render on this Building on Sunday. Does anyone have any advice on the best way to clean this up ? Would TFR be enough with a stiff brush and then Pure Water WFP ?

Tried to upload the pics but the jpeg file was to large.

Ground floor and Basement are a white render which has black stains and streaks all over.



  • Posts: 13421
Re: Render Cleaning
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2012, 08:19:17 am »
 you will defo need some chemical on this - depending on the 'roughness' of the render will determine how good the
job will be, i have done some 'small' areas as favours of good custy's and it's usually hard work with wfp - defo need a stiff brush but personally for render i'd go pressure washer

Never argue with an idiot, they will only bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience

carl stanton

  • Posts: 818
Re: Render Cleaning
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2012, 08:21:23 am »

 assume it is not just render? as in it is painted, i would advise testing any thing you put on it, make sure you give them a disclaimer ensuring that they are aware the paint should be in good condition

soft wash it though, an old wfp brush, or one you do not mind using, water will clean it well, but as said TFR should be good and stop it coming back so soon (gren stuff that is)

colin purewater

  • Posts: 2282
Re: Render Cleaning
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2012, 08:37:50 am »
I've done a couple of these mate, I justed used pure water.
Render and maisonary paint are pourus and you won't
Get all the stains of with any thing, it will just need painting again.

So it's more like a prep for painting mate
keep it simple


  • Posts: 2177
Re: Render Cleaning
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2012, 08:42:22 am »
Just use pure water and an old brush.

Soak it a few times and wait - It'll come off.

Don't know about virosol but isn't TFR for oily stuff? We used TFR to remove some diesel generator exhaust stains from some steel cladding and it did well.

In my former life as a painter I've yet to find a green remover as effective as diluted bleach. Assuming it's safe just coat the wall up - I use a 12" long pile roller on a 20 ft pole - leave to dry then repeat. Used to find the best way was to clean the wall last thing in the day, leave the bleach on overnight and hope it didn't rain. Then just neutralize the bleach with a hose or of course pure water.

Lee Gilroy

  • Posts: 129
Re: Render Cleaning
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2012, 08:42:36 am »
I am not going to be able to use a Pressure Washer as no water source so will have to rely on my tank and WFP I think.

It will need to be painted after and I think this is just to get the worst off before the painters start.

Thanks for your advice