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  • Posts: 120
Re: Absolute nightmare commercial ~ right decision?
« Reply #20 on: July 11, 2012, 08:28:04 am »
....doesnt look good, they had previously been a small ish contract builder so looks like the contract was a big step-up for them, they are building two or three sites for this development, i'd seen two and both looked to be in a certain amount of chaos. They are only £1mln in debt as of a year ago but if a £100-150mln contract goes bad by just ten percent they'll get wiped out along with anyone they owe....whoops, lucky escape.

Paul Coleman

Re: Absolute nightmare commercial ~ right decision?
« Reply #21 on: July 11, 2012, 09:14:11 am »
many thanks chaps....was really questioning if anyone had experience of builders cleans whilst they're still building  :o :o :o :o not talking about the odd painter or chippy knocking about snaggin or carpet layers shufflin about....i mean literally still involved in constructing the fabric of the building......dust & poo everywhere????

all i can imagine is they're going they bill the client for the dont get paid and the builder goes under owing loads of trades....

one minute the scaffolding was going to be there....then it dissapeared, sounds like the scaffolder hadnt been paid either...

You did right IMO. I've done builders clean when it's incomplete.  It was nowhere near as bad as yours though - just a bit of second fixing going on.  I did the outside twice but I allowed for that as I knew it wouldn't come up on one pass.  As it happens, mine was acceptable - low hazard risks and dirty work completed.  It was still hard graft though.  I made up my mind that it was my last builders clean even though things were relatively OK.  The building company has a good local reputation too and I was fully paid within 3 weeks of invoicing.


Re: Absolute nightmare commercial ~ right decision?
« Reply #22 on: July 11, 2012, 03:40:53 pm »
My work is all large scale builders cleans.

We can pressure wash a whole store front and by the end of the day it is in a right mess again.

We pressure washed the media, royal and athletes entrance to the Olympic Village last weekend. When we were packing up to go they were cutting wood right in the middle of it, dust everywhere.

It is a frame of mind - I used to get really wound up and would stomp about but know I just see it as more work that will be charged for.

Give me huge builders cleans all day long.

Good luck

Rob ;D

Cliff perkins

  • Posts: 1257
Re: Absolute nightmare commercial ~ right decision?
« Reply #23 on: July 11, 2012, 06:56:18 pm »
Id have walked unless i could have spoken directly to somebody regarding my worries.

Id have also priced work in stages to make sure you both agree on whats done at what price.

If you cant agree or talk to any1 walk away and forget it.