So Arthur n(A and J),
I'm confused. Which web site are you using?
Is it the one on your profile or the one that mancharry says they have made for you?
My own website is always on. I have designed it myself as well as my ads and stationary, which are in the same style. My website helps a lot, I got more enquiries, since I started advertise with
I have paid for two months to mancharry to run a web for me, which is under his full management… I am receiving regular enquiries from his website, but most from outside the area we are currently serving… I think that my business is just too small at the moment.
I am not sure if this is the way to hunt for a commercial cleaning work, but for domestic cleaning companies, which serve biger areas, than I do at this moment, miscarry’s service can really help to get more business.
Kind regards,