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stuart howes

  • Posts: 191
what frames are ok with wfp
« on: January 18, 2006, 04:27:20 pm »
can any of you wfp guys tell me
what frames are ok to clean with wfp  ie
upvc,  painted  flakeing paint  , crittal window frames, and anadiesed frames  and ally frames with the white coating comeing off   thanks  ( waiting for my andrew mccann trolly :D)

Ben Walker

Re: what frames are ok with wfp
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2006, 04:57:31 pm »
i have the best round of flaking paint anywhere (all victorian buildings)!!
therefore i use trad alot of the time . was hoping to be able to just keep the brush on the glass and clean that way but you don't get satisfactory results (messy edges, corners). so wfp is really not at all possible for flaking paint windows. the brush would also take the paint off and you get white chalking runs from the underside of the paint.
I encourage my customers to employ a decorator!!  ;D
The times you get good paintwork wfp is a dream esp on traditional leaded, georgian and the large victorian windows which you otherwise might have to go up both sides on a ladder to clean.
dunno about others except upvc which suits it to the T

Re: what frames are ok with wfp
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2006, 05:50:45 pm »
Ello Ello Stuart  :)

I told you WFP was great for EVERY frame... dont you remember?  ;D

Flaky paint with wood/old putty showing through = no good with WFP although I have seen posts about guys who have been using it for a while doing these OK.

Ally with the while coating coming off is a real no go as far as I am concerned.

Basically anything with good paintwork is a dream to do. UPVC once you have the frames clean is a breeze.

The frame for your trolley is in the blast furnaces at Sidiothorpe steel works. Well.. it has to start somewhere  ;D

OOPS  the Mrs told me to watch neighbours for her coz theres a plane crash and she wants to know what happened..  I aint scared....  errrrr  MUCH  :-[
