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preston powerblast

  • Posts: 445
WFP Feedback.
« on: January 18, 2006, 03:36:20 pm »
Have had nothing but good reports this week from the wfp.
Never lost anymore customers.
But on this round I never informed them about the change, I just went ahead and did them. Even got four more newbies which cant be bad.
I think looking back I should have just done that on the other round.


  • Posts: 1500
Re: WFP Feedback.
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2006, 05:01:31 pm »
Yep, thats probably what I will do.

preston powerblast

  • Posts: 445
Re: WFP Feedback.
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2006, 05:24:08 pm »
In fact in the last ten minutes i have had two calls from the round I lost customers on asking if I would do their windows as their neighbours had said that i had done a great job and even cleaned the windows above the conservatory which have never been done. So it looks like things are on the up.

Re: WFP Feedback.
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2006, 06:10:47 pm »
I am not going to use wfp on all my jobs. However there are those jobs which are hard to reach and dodgy ground etc, for these I will use wfp. What I do is tell them and give them the intro letter and let them know that after 4 cleans if they are just not happy with the clean then I will go back to using the ladder but if I do then the price will increase. Now most on this site will say that its a bad move but I can get the job done quicker with wfp and if not then I will end up charging more, simple.



  • Posts: 783
Re: WFP Feedback.
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2006, 06:25:14 pm »
I lost a customer yesterday  >:( She told me that she could do what i'm doing with a brush and water bla bla bla. Funny thing is,I've done them the last two months wfp,no probs or complaints. It was only the fact she'd seen me peppering her windows with water that got to her. Another punter told me that she preferred her windows to be cleaned with a bit of elbow grease(could of slapped her for that comment)  ;) She also said that she knows a window cleaner in "Esher" and that "he" has never heard of anything so daft as cleaning windows with a pole and brush. What other comments have people said to you guys that make you go mmmmmmmm  >:( >:( >:(

preston powerblast

  • Posts: 445
Re: WFP Feedback.
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2006, 07:09:53 pm »
I had one woman who said she could do it with the hose pipe.

Re: WFP Feedback.
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2006, 07:14:03 pm »

next time you get that reply show her a full colour brochure from any of us  suppliers you know one with a price in

and say great then you can buy one of these!!!!!

stuart@ skypole ;)


  • Posts: 1137
Re: WFP Feedback.
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2006, 07:19:43 pm »
I am into my third week wfp.  

I do have customers that I will not use wfp on because of dodgy frames. I have asked all my customers to give me 6 months with it, if their not happy by then they can have theres done the traditional again.

But I do not know if I will change my mind in that 6 months. I have worked 2 1/2 days this week and not gone up my ladder, If I dont use my ladder much my opinions could very well change.

I explain to every customer that its the pure water that does the work. Normall water will  not give a good result. If they say they can do what I am doing themselves, water and brush. Not As cheap you can't (I tell them) go to halfords and buy 20ltrs of distilled water and see how much that hits your Bank Balance.

The biggest problem is FAITH with wfp, or should I say the lack of it. You have to beleive that it works, and that the results are good, and you only get that over a period of time. I did my own windows at weekend, the 3rd clean with wfp and the results were superb. First clean rubbish, 2nd clean better but I will feel a little bit like Dick Turpin collecting my money, 3rd clean the Holy Grail.

I know my mates who have been useing it for a year are now flying through their work, and are emmbarssed to ask for the money sometimes. One said I could of stayed Traditional and earned £20.00 an hour. But now I am earning £40.00 an hour and doing their frames as well.

2006-2007 looks set to be a record breaking year. Come April I will have found a groove with wfp and should be flying.I reckon in three years I will have made all the money back I have put into wfp through extra earnings. £ 14000.00 the target.


Paul Coleman

Re: WFP Feedback.
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2006, 07:28:02 pm »
Have had nothing but good reports this week from the wfp.
Never lost anymore customers.
But on this round I never informed them about the change, I just went ahead and did them. Even got four more newbies which cant be bad.
I think looking back I should have just done that on the other round.

I lost a customer very early due to doing a bad job.  I was using too little water as I had water production problems.  There are three jobs that I may pass on.  Two have leaky frames.  On the other one, the customer decided that they didn't like WFP and then found a reason why (nothing to do with my work quality).  However, in the last week, I have actually got new work because of the WFP system.  These new jobs will be the first of many that I will acquire due to WFP.

steve k

Re: WFP Feedback.
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2006, 07:34:42 pm »
I never told ANYONE I was changing to WFP...if a carpet fitter or ceramic tiler turned up at my house to do a job, I would not question the tools he carried...if he had invested in tools that made his job easier and quicker, then good luck to him. The price of £200 he quoted is for fitting my long he takes is his business...I just want a carpet in my room!! ;D

Honestly, I have had no problems...I would make these suggestions...

NEVER offer to return to trad...this is the way it is being done and that is it...if they dump you, trust me, you will be laughing at them within a couple of months as you get WFP custom to replace them and they are struggling to get a trad cleaner who can be bothered to come into the area for 1 or 2 houses ;D

NEVER mention spots...just trust the system, clean the windows and collect your money.
IF someone mentions spots on their windows, then explain about dirt build up in frame recesses and over the next clean or 2, they will be immaculate.

Remember the major advantage of being self employed...YOU are the boss and YOU decide how you work ;)

P @ F

  • Posts: 6312
Re: WFP Feedback.
« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2006, 08:44:23 pm »
I never told anybody about the pole bit , i just spent a month dropping hints about h&s clamping down on ladder use , so far i have lost 2 customers and im about 6 months in , that i can live with .
 I have an excuse lined up for anybody that complains about it , im just going to ask them if they have a washing machine , when they say yes , im gonna say "well thats to make your life easier and this does the same for me "

 Rich   P @ F  ;D
I'm so lazy I'm getting tired of it !