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  • Posts: 29
WFP V's Alarm sensitive windows?
« on: January 18, 2006, 11:47:39 am »

I'm thinking of changing over to WFP using a trolley system but I'm not sure about a new build estate I do.  Every window is 'house alarm sensitive' and I set 1 off yesterday doing it trad (first time and all) :-[

My question is do any of you use WFP on these types of windows and does it set the alarm off?  Some are 3 storey houses (if this might make a difference)

Thanks for any help and advice


Re: WFP V's Alarm sensitive windows?
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2006, 12:16:25 pm »
it does depend on how sensitive the alarms are and how heavy handed you are with the pole. i set off an alarm when doing one of my customers patio doors, scared the *rap out of me as it set their dog off too!
it hasnt happened since though, i think you just need to do it steady and not bang the frame or glass too hard!