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Ian Gourlay

  • Posts: 5748
Re: leaflet distribution
« Reply #20 on: June 10, 2012, 11:48:23 am »
I decided to do it myself ,after reading the comments from you guys! I did about 500 yesterday and going out again this morning to hopefully do the same ,so all in all this week 1500 so far -not 1 bloody call though !! >:(
Is it because the kids are off and poss the jubilee ??

Some people do get lucky and get calls straight away, but usually they drip feed in over a few weeks

Here is the hard thing you will need to do the same area again in a months time , and again a month after that. Then you should start to know if it is working

steve prince

  • Posts: 240
Re: leaflet distribution
« Reply #21 on: June 10, 2012, 12:45:46 pm »
just got back from another 3hrs of leaflet drops ,it was an area i didnt even know was there  :o ,any way all done thats another 4-500 done  ;D ,also ive written down what streets ive covered the past few weeks so will keep an eye on the results and do the same again in 4 weeks

benny d

  • Posts: 706
Re: leaflet distribution
« Reply #22 on: June 10, 2012, 01:19:11 pm »
Im sure the calls will come in.

I had about 9,000 delivered locally a month ago, and had a lot of work from them.

What I do with all my adverts is put my name, and a photo of me so that they know who they are calling.

At least they know who will be doing the cleaning, and it's more personal.
"If i'm not in action, I'm in traction"
Voted 397th best looking carpet cleaner in West Sussex 2015. Up 10 from last year...

steve prince

  • Posts: 240
Re: leaflet distribution
« Reply #23 on: June 10, 2012, 01:28:27 pm »
Im sure the calls will come in.

I had about 9,000 delivered locally a month ago, and had a lot of work from them.

What I do with all my adverts is put my name, and a photo of me so that they know who they are calling.

At least they know who will be doing the cleaning, and it's more personal.

9,000  :o how the hell did you do that many ? did you hire a plane and dropped the lot  :)

benny d

  • Posts: 706
Re: leaflet distribution
« Reply #24 on: June 10, 2012, 01:42:25 pm »
No im a pro power walker  ;D

No I had two leaflet companies deliver them.

Its a lot of money to put out in one hit, and I was a bit scared incase it bombed, but it does work, and I will be doing the same again soon.
Its just getting the delivery company to be in your area at the time you want them delivered.
"If i'm not in action, I'm in traction"
Voted 397th best looking carpet cleaner in West Sussex 2015. Up 10 from last year...

steve prince

  • Posts: 240
Re: leaflet distribution
« Reply #25 on: June 10, 2012, 06:12:59 pm »
Im in the same boat buddy ,deciding whether or not to get a company to deliver mine ,thats how this subject started! at the mo im doing all myself ,now only 3,000 to shift  :o and then im going to re due my leaflet design and i like what you put on yours (pic).
Can any body advise me on the best method and most affective design in which to put on my leaflets  ???


Ian Gourlay

  • Posts: 5748
Re: leaflet distribution
« Reply #26 on: June 10, 2012, 10:57:40 pm »
As you are new could I suggest you use search facility. This Forum is a Treasure Chest of Information.

Unfortunate it does not get  stored by category so you will need to use diffrent search terms to find all on leaflets and marketing

bobby p

Re: leaflet distribution
« Reply #27 on: June 11, 2012, 07:16:17 am »
i find that its best to never ask a leafletter to do more than 5 hours a day,even then even the decent are  tempted to skive after 3 hours,its gruelling and lonely work. i  make sure they have music in their ears and a half hour lunch break.   

if they have a few stories about what they saw when leafletting usually means they are out doing it.  i usually colour in a section of street map for them to follow, usually 100 leaflets put out per hour is pretty good in suburbs


Re: leaflet distribution
« Reply #28 on: June 11, 2012, 08:28:52 am »
As ian said in his post its a matter of dropping a leaflet off in the same area regular and sticking with that plan.

Maybe then after a time you will know if its working or not i guess..

Ian Gourlay

  • Posts: 5748
Re: leaflet distribution
« Reply #29 on: June 11, 2012, 08:54:42 am »
If you do employ casuals yourself insist you know when they are going out,
I found a good idea was to employ Saturday Kids

Insist they have mobile phone on so you can phone them while doing job .

Know where they are going on the day and drive round and see if they are there


  • Posts: 4250
Re: leaflet distribution
« Reply #30 on: June 11, 2012, 09:46:17 am »
By the time you've followed them about and
checked up on them 2 or 3 times a day you
might as well have delivered them yourself.
Wasting half your day doing this.

Impossible done straight away, miracles can take a little longer.

steve prince

  • Posts: 240
Re: leaflet distribution
« Reply #31 on: June 11, 2012, 01:26:21 pm »
As you are new could I suggest you use search facility. This Forum is a Treasure Chest of Information.

Unfortunate it does not get  stored by category so you will need to use diffrent search terms to find all on leaflets and marketing

been on the forum for advice and your right Ian its all over the place ,but helpfull

Daren Morrish

  • Posts: 110
Re: leaflet distribution
« Reply #32 on: June 11, 2012, 05:25:47 pm »
Myself and the good lady have delivered tens of thousand's over the last year or so and it is a real pain. However, i see it as something you have to do your self to start off with.

You may have the most effective flyer in the business but if a company is sending them out for you, but not doing the job correctly i.e not delivering them  you will never know.

You then think your flyer design is poor, you change the design to a perceived better version, and the response is again poor.

Deliver 5000 yourself (around 300 a go, every morning) and you know 100% that if the reponse is really poor then the flyer isnt up to the job.

Improve flyer, deliver another 5000, compare results. Hopefully the response is better.

Improve flyer again and deliver. Slowly the response should get better, untill you end up with a flyer that you know will produce the goods.

Then get this 'super flyer' delivered by a company. Then if the results are consistently poor you know there not getting delivered.

Test and evaluate constantly.


Paul Clapham

  • Posts: 250
Re: Leaflet distribution
« Reply #33 on: June 13, 2012, 09:30:44 pm »
Daren , so after delivering Tens of 1000s of flyers over the last year or so how's it worked out for you with regards to your work load, and are you still putting the flyers out?
I've put about 10,000 out since March and am doing around 2 jobs a week from them
This is the season for fine wine, and drunken friends, enjoy this moment, for this moment is your life.


  • Posts: 787
Re: Leaflet distribution
« Reply #34 on: June 13, 2012, 09:48:33 pm »
i pay a lady 5p per leaflet that goes out on its own, i pick the areas where i want them and only pay her once the leaflets have gone out (about a week after)  she always phones to ask how things are going and i get a3.5  to 4 to 1 return on them , some months are better than others, average about 2 .5  calls per thousand and turning into a least 1.5 jobs per thousand at an average of £180 per job some more some less

ps i print all the leaflets on a black and white duplo

Daren Morrish

  • Posts: 110
Re: Leaflet distribution
« Reply #35 on: June 13, 2012, 11:09:52 pm »

At the start I designed my own first flyer, delivered 5000 and had a poor response.

Redesigned from scratch, and sent out another 5000 and had an even worse response, and i mean BAD.

Went out and got my hands on some copywriting books and read them from cover to cover and started to get a feel for why my flyer's were performing so badly.

Re-designed again, sent out 10,000 and got a far better result. Another design improvement, but this time slightly worse than before. Have just finished another flyer design which goes out around July time of which i'm very confident will do well.

Don't have the figures to hand but will dig them out for you.

I firmly belive that what you send out has to be the best you can possaibly produce. There is no point slogging around the streets delivering flyers which are not working well for you. It's just as easy to put a great flyer through a letter box than a crap one.

If you want some pointers for books to read let us know.


Ian Gourlay

  • Posts: 5748
Re: Leaflet distribution
« Reply #36 on: June 14, 2012, 10:25:52 am »
i pay a lady 5p per leaflet that goes out on its own, i pick the areas where i want them and only pay her once the leaflets have gone out (about a week after)  she always phones to ask how things are going and i get a3.5  to 4 to 1 return on them , some months are better than others, average about 2 .5  calls per thousand and turning into a least 1.5 jobs per thousand at an average of £180 per job some more some less

ps i print all the leaflets on a black and white duplo

I think Colin has hit nail on head as why leaflets do not work for some Carpet Cleaners he is achieving a 1to 3.5  return because his average order value  is £180 if you have an average order of say £80 it starts to become unviable

steve prince

  • Posts: 240
Re: Leaflet distribution
« Reply #37 on: June 14, 2012, 08:08:55 pm »
had 3 calls so far this week ,so fingers crossed ??? .
i totally forgot that a good friend of mine is a designer ,he's currently working for the scottish tourist board ,so he know's his onions. Ive asked for his help and and so far he has come up with 1 side and i must say its stunning  :o
wished i had thought of it earlier...

Phil @ Extreme Clean

  • Posts: 1296
Re: Leaflet distribution
« Reply #38 on: June 22, 2012, 06:33:30 pm »
just had 5000 made on cards £59 just my design and then they had to redo to match there quality but i think cards will be better than paper not as easy to screw up lol.

not posted any yet but i will when nice weather and also if on a job just leaflet that street the flyer is like my van so 'im gonna leaflet the street 10 mins before i do the job so people can see the flyer and see my van in a property on the street they can come over and ask for quote or wait and ask the custy how i did.
Extreme Clean
Carpets to DRY For!!!!!

dan paton

Re: Leaflet distribution
« Reply #39 on: June 22, 2012, 09:31:41 pm »
evening guys
               i dont want to go to the bother of designing my own leaflet . have many of you used are their ready made designs good for getting the phone ringing