Everyone of my customers I like and hopefully they like me, some though are friends but most of these where friends before they became customers.
There is a difference between both and I am aware of them and keep the work on a friendly but professional basis, I don't mind calling the day before, its what I have done for the last 10 years and I will continue to do so, if I can use this add on to get extra work from cleaners who don't do it, then I will do so.
I don't mind the odd not this time, as long as the same customer does not keep doing it, I normally clean every 4 weeks, which means that over a year I should get 13 cleans off that customer, I never though work on that figure, I look at getting 10 to 11 cleans per customer per year.
I also do not phone all my customers, there are some who I can gain access to the backs or are front only, who either send a cheque or pay online, but the ones who I do call works for me.
As for using a ladder to climb a gate or fence, well I don't use ladders and that include the "step" variety, I do though have a step tool box that is 1 foot high.
When I price up a new customer I will give my price and watch for the reaction, if they say no problem and when can you do them, then thats great, but when they hestitate, I point out that I will clean the Glass, the Frames and Sills, I will clean the front and back door and if the garage door is white I will clean that as well, also if they have white panel on the house, then I will clean these as well as low level guttering, normally over the porch, I then mention that they will always know when I will be there because I call/text the night before.
After they have heard all I will be doing for them and most of this their prevoius cleaner never did, the higher cost I am charging is not so high anymore, instead they are getting a bargain.
But if you want to carry on doing what works for you, then that is fine as well. A friend of mine never calls and always goes back to collect his money, he works longer hours than me.