And claiming BS earnings
Some of the stuff that gets posted..................
Imagine you are someone who has been made redundant or just looking for a new job or whatever, and you read on this forum about earning £65 an hour or doing 50 houses in 6 hours and all that. You'd be thinking I'll have some of that.
I spoke to a new window cleaner early last year. He had a bright shiny new reach and wash van, he had a canvaser, a clip board and his business plan in a nice folder. After 1 months he'd be earning this amount, after 3 months he be on that much money and after a year, I can't remember the exact figure but I laughed out load which was a bit rude I know.
When I asked where he got the idea he's be earning that much after a year, he said from two window cleaning forums and a 'business' manager at his bank. He'd also borrowed the money from the bank using his house as security.
Anyway, I got told I had no vision, no this or that and he was 'going for it' big time.
As he lived only a few streets away, I used to see his van from time to time on his driveway. During the summer, it seemed to be there all the time and by Christmas, it had gone.
Window cleaners come and window cleaners go. It happens all the time.