Steady on dude

Not disputing the fact that you can knock out that many houses a day, only that very, very few will ever achieve that or anything like it.
It can be done, of course it can; but it is unrealistic for the average person to think he is going to whack out work at that rate.
It is also possible to run 100m in under 10 seconds, but some people could train till they're blue in the face and they'd never achieve that runing downhill with a tailwind

A few months back there was another window cleaner (a trad one this time) who knocked out up to 6 or 7 houses an hour, no one believed him either at first, until a couple who had seen him work vouched for him.
As a general rule, most window cleaners will be able to cope with a reasonable level of comfort with 3-4 standard houses an hour.
Or more likely around 20 or so standard houses a day.
Quite often it will be below that.
Not many of us will be averaging above £100 a day, and you want to check your true average then take a look at what you have submitted to the tax man for your year's turnover.
There are very, very few earning 25k and above.
The sky really is the limit if you have what it takes, when I first got my WFP, there was a fairly local firm who had been going a couple of years and had been doing WFP for no more than 18-24 months.
Within that time they had grown to the point of having 3 or 4 fully equipped vans and a turnover that was in the stratosphere. They were also on the point of getting and equipping yet another van.
So it can be done.......but not many of us will do it!!
Remember that plasterer's labourer several years ago?
He made the papers because he was earning so much money.
It's also possible to clean 3 windows in under 10 seconds.........but there is only one man in the world who can do it
In mod mode now, if the replies are now going to degenerate into one line wisecracks, it is going to be locked.