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Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #40 on: January 19, 2006, 04:53:54 pm »
Well I do 60 a day and ask the customers to leave the cheques blank, I ask them for a bank statement and fill out the amount so that it takes their overdraft up to the limit.

You guy's don't know how to charge!!

 ;) ;) ;) ;)


Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #41 on: January 19, 2006, 06:05:24 pm »
Well I'm still a novice.  I do 4 houses a day and I pay them for the privilege :D


  • Posts: 2997
Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #42 on: January 19, 2006, 06:45:47 pm »

Steady on dude :o
Not disputing the fact that you can knock out that many houses a day, only that very, very few will ever achieve that or anything like it.
It can be done, of course it can; but it is unrealistic for the average person to think he is going to whack out work at that rate.
It is also possible to run 100m in under 10 seconds, but some people could train till they're blue in the face and they'd never achieve that runing downhill with a tailwind ;D
A few months back there was another window cleaner (a trad one this time) who knocked out up to 6 or 7 houses an hour, no one believed him either at first, until a couple who had seen him work vouched for him.

As a general rule, most window cleaners will be able to cope with a reasonable level of comfort with 3-4 standard houses an hour.
Or more likely around 20 or so standard houses a day.

Quite often it will be below that.

Not many of us will be averaging above £100 a day, and you want to check your true average then take a look at what you have submitted to the tax man for your year's turnover.
There are very, very few earning 25k and above.

The sky really is the limit if you have what it takes, when I first got my WFP, there was a fairly local firm who had been going a couple of years and had been  doing WFP for no more than 18-24 months.

Within that time they had grown to the point of having 3 or 4 fully equipped vans and a turnover that was in the stratosphere. They were also on the point of getting and equipping yet another van.

So it can be done.......but not many of us will do it!!

Remember that plasterer's labourer several years ago?
He made the papers because he was earning so much money.

It's also possible to clean 3 windows in under 10 seconds.........but there is only one man in the world who can do it 8)



In mod mode now, if the replies are now going to degenerate into one line wisecracks, it is going to be locked.



  • Posts: 343
Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #43 on: January 19, 2006, 07:17:17 pm »
wages will vary all over the country clean the amount of windows you want to clean and what gives you the wages you want  be happy not knacked

Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #44 on: January 19, 2006, 07:20:20 pm »
i appreciate what you are saying but i cant my get head round the fact that im portrayed as billy whizz on anphetamines going round at the speed of light!
i roll a cigarette in between doing most houses and stroll around whistling! i never really feel like im working at a really hard pace at all although i know ive been at work when i go home and sit down as im sure most of us do.
my houses arent anything out of the ordinary, just standard style semis with a few big ass 50 quidders scattered around so i dont feel like what i do is out of reach of anybody.
£200.00 a day over 6/8 hrs is well within the reach of anybody on this forum providing they have enough water (at least 650ltrs) and enough customers.
i welcome anyone to come and see for themselves.
i have a friend of mine who has been learning the wfp game with me and helping out every now and then to earn and learn, hes been doing a few days a week for about 6 months now and has been building up his own customer base.
this week he went out for me on his own as due to a bike accident many years ago i have been off with a trapped nerve in my back that flared up last friday and he managed to do £285.00 between 9am and 4pm yesterday!
today however, he managed to hit a post in my van and knackered  my sliding door( i digress but thought i would include that to embaress him!)
the point im making for the last time you will be glad to know is that those sorts of earnings are not limited to the elite.
and as for tax returns, wont go there but lets just say that if £17,500 per annum is average for a w/c then i dont know ANY average w/cs and i know quite a few.
May fortuitous blessings rain upon each and every one of you in their multitudes (even cavemen like squeeky ;D ;))

Richard Ivy

  • Posts: 15
Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #45 on: January 19, 2006, 07:55:10 pm »
Well I'm still a novice.  I do 4 houses a day and I pay them for the privilege :D


  • Posts: 682
Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #46 on: January 19, 2006, 08:07:32 pm »
ian   10.5   
Essentially Pure Ltd


  • Posts: 2997
Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #47 on: January 19, 2006, 08:44:23 pm »
Earnings I think will vary from area to area, but those figures are from the Inland Revenue apparently.

And YOU ARE BILLY WHIZZ! Man that is a truly flying to knock out that many houses most days, and I don't dispute you do it for a minute.

I'm well aware of how quick WFP is (or can be in the right hands) and no matter how easy you may find it to knock out so many houses in a single day, few on here will achieve it.



  • Posts: 26002
Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #48 on: January 19, 2006, 09:01:10 pm »
Well I do 40 houses at £12 each per 7 hour day, 5 days a week come rain or shine, snow or hail.

In case anyone took this seriously it was a joke - a poor one - but a joke nevertheless.
It's a game of three halves!

Ben Walker

Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #49 on: January 19, 2006, 09:55:03 pm »
Where's the mountain Malc? Is it of personal interest? Just interested as i like to climb.

Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #50 on: January 20, 2006, 01:13:01 pm »
Earnings I think will vary from area to area, but those figures are from the Inland Revenue apparently.

And YOU ARE BILLY WHIZZ! Man that is a truly flying to knock out that many houses most days, and I don't dispute you do it for a minute.

I'm well aware of how quick WFP is (or can be in the right hands) and no matter how easy you may find it to knock out so many houses in a single day, few on here will achieve it.

with muscles like yours in that picture you should be able to do 7 times as much!! ;D


  • Posts: 609
Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #51 on: January 20, 2006, 08:13:26 pm »
this topic has made me really feel like i am doing something wrong.
all of you doing 20 plus house a day, now don't get me wrong i am no slouch , but i could not do that many in a day i am sure and if i did would make min 250 quid, but cannot see me doing this. Maybe i am too fussy about the quality of my work, i don't know, but when outsiders read this it is no wonder lots are having a go, i certanly have not found it an easy road and sometimes motivation is non existentalthough have every intention of building quality round with even more quality customers.
in my experiance ther is lots of work to be had but its not easy to get i think now that after 10 months in i am still looking at at least another 12 before i get a living that i want from this  but to be honest i have no intention of flogging myself stupid doing 20 plus houses a day as this is not the reason for being self employed. Ten houses a day at 20 quid , well thats my aim just takes a while longer
cheers simb0

Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #52 on: January 20, 2006, 08:28:56 pm »
Don't worry some on here could win the Booker Prize!


  • Posts: 64
Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #53 on: January 20, 2006, 09:46:09 pm »
Hi All,
We tend to look more at quality and service rather than cleaning alot just to rake in the money; although we expect everyone to clean at least 12 in a day.


  • Posts: 609
Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #54 on: January 20, 2006, 10:36:28 pm »
for me 12 -15 max i think keeping to my quality, never had 1 complaint yet and all frames sparkle too prob will be quicker wfp though
cheers simb0


Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #55 on: January 22, 2006, 12:45:55 am »
For me i clean between 10 and 15 a day.
Most of my work is spread out a bit but well priced and i aim for quaility than quantity.
I know i can do a lot more as years ago i used to do 25 - 30 a day.
But they never paid as much and it was all glass only and all next to each other.



  • Posts: 609
Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #56 on: January 22, 2006, 09:01:20 pm »
cheers glad i am not the only one, its funny really somedays can be an easy 100+ day others a hard 70-80 but then again i am relly still a beginer
cheers simb0


Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #57 on: January 22, 2006, 11:53:20 pm »
Yeah, I'm the same. When I work on my own I manage 150+ houses.

Who ever posted 50 a day, yeah right on.

Seriously though, as posted by Tosh or Mr Ian Giles, it's the profit.

I am not interested at 48 at bashing away doing as many houses as I can. I prefer a more sedate approach. It's fine when younger to go hell for leather but at some point you cannot just do that anymore. Also, the chances of an accident increases with the determination to 'get it done'. As well as that, in the end, you'll just burn out because at some point, you won't keep the speed up.

It's best to work smart if you ask me.

When I have worked on my own I've done 10 to 12 houses a day at good prices. Maybe £180 to £250 for the days work and no serious running around like a mad man. Just a reasonably early start after a decent breakfast, a measured pace and a good lunch break.
