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Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #20 on: January 12, 2006, 07:08:23 pm »

After 7 years you start to lack a bit of motivation especially in the winter .

I know that feeling Dave!

Just closed down 1 business as it was working without enjoying it and I didnt know what to spend the money on.  (I'm not a wanting person, not into labels, i dont buy things for the sake of it, I'm not money orientated really).  pointless doing it then.

Present job I have done on and off since I was 19 yrs old, thats 18 yrs.  But have been doing it permanently for the last 9 years.   Its fun and I get to flirt alot & have verbals with the customers. But the best bit is I work very few hours and the pay is ok ;)

Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #21 on: January 12, 2006, 07:11:26 pm »
I get to flirt alot & have verbals with the customers. But the best bit is I work very few hours and the pay is ok ;)

So you're a window cleaner?

Moderator David@stives

  • Posts: 8829
Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #22 on: January 12, 2006, 07:15:05 pm »
If it were not for the fact that i now employ people .I would of jacked it all in by now as i could not bear the job anymore .It is so tedious doing all them hours I end up going stir crazy unless i am on a big commercial job which i dont mind doing


Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #23 on: January 12, 2006, 07:21:57 pm »
I get to flirt alot & have verbals with the customers. But the best bit is I work very few hours and the pay is ok ;)

So you're a window cleaner?

I'm so not!   Your working conditions are atrocious!   ;)   All those nagging old women - how do you do it.  I admire Window Cleaners.  It must be so stressful.   

Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #24 on: January 12, 2006, 07:38:30 pm »
Its fun and I get to flirt alot & have verbals with the customers. But the best bit is I work very few hours and the pay is ok ;)

Well, if you're not a window cleaner, what are you? I was friendly with a (modified by mod; sorry)  young lady of the night, in Germany who described her occupation very similarly.   ;)

Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #25 on: January 12, 2006, 08:05:02 pm »
ok , your right , im wrong.
very sorry, i obviously dont do 30 houses a day, what on earth was i thinking, better re-write all of my sheets to reflect that.
sorry to have mis-led reveryone into thinking we make a decent living at this game.

Moderator David@stives

  • Posts: 8829
Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #26 on: January 12, 2006, 08:08:12 pm »
now now then calm down.   you are in the top 1% like i said.   Good luck to you

Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #27 on: January 12, 2006, 08:11:14 pm »
If it were not for the fact that i now employ people .I would of jacked it all in by now as i could not bear the job anymore .It is so tedious doing all them hours I end up going stir crazy unless i am on a big commercial job which i dont mind doing

Dave are you really serious or is that tongue in cheek mate?


Moderator David@stives

  • Posts: 8829
Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #28 on: January 12, 2006, 08:14:39 pm »
Deadly serious    after well its 8 years now .i only carry on because i know have staff.

Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #29 on: January 12, 2006, 08:31:36 pm »
Sorry to hear that Dave.

I am only a newbie so haven,t reached that stage.

You are gonna hate this but I really respect you.   ;) No frills.. tell it like it is etc.

Fact is that Wc,ing isnt an easy way to make a living. ( Whatever that living may be)  Since becoming a window cleaner I can honestly say that except for the cowboys I have never met a more down to earth and decent bunch.

I am not suckin up..  it's a fact.




Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #30 on: January 12, 2006, 09:34:44 pm »
I'm in my 19th year!!
I've been up the ladder and down again



Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #31 on: January 12, 2006, 10:22:29 pm »
Its fun and I get to flirt alot & have verbals with the customers. But the best bit is I work very few hours and the pay is ok ;)

Well, if you're not a window cleaner, what are you? I was friendly with a (modified by mod; sorry)  young lady of the night, in Germany who described her occupation very similarly.   ;) you'd like someone describing your wife like that huh Tosh?  >:(

Moderator David@stives

  • Posts: 8829
Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #32 on: January 12, 2006, 10:29:05 pm »
Sorry to hear that Dave.

I am only a newbie so haven,t reached that stage.

You are gonna hate this but I really respect you.   ;) No frills.. tell it like it is etc.

Fact is that Wc,ing isnt an easy way to make a living. ( Whatever that living may be)  Since becoming a window cleaner I can honestly say that except for the cowboys I have never met a more down to earth and decent bunch.

I am not suckin up..  it's a fact.



I cant take any more of these compliments especially from my mate Andrew.   ;D
My true true friend


Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #33 on: January 17, 2006, 10:43:33 pm »
thanks guy for the info was great ;D keep up the good work guys!!!!!!!!!1

Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #34 on: January 18, 2006, 12:12:08 pm »
bit slow with my maths here....
average £8.00/£10.00 per house doesnt work out at £1500.
thats £10.00 per house
would be good but not what ive got............

30 houses at £8.00 a pop is still £240 per day, thats £720 in the 3 days, which isn't the same as £600 :P

It highly unlikely you could knock out £240 a day every day doing accounts of that size, that's a prodigous work rate.
With the bigger houses I know it can be done, but even that is a chalenge to achieve.

Small domestic work on ordinary estates can become self limiting, they are not all easy access, gates and hedges get in the way, customers talk to you, the phone rings, some day you are not always on top of your game.
The weather plays an important factor too

30 accounts in a day is still doing 5 or 6 an hour, don't forget, your working day may well be 6 or 7 hours long, but you won't actually be working continuously for that time.
Time will be lost moving from account to acothingy, sometimes you'll need to go to the loo, as I said before, you also have to talk to customers, or write out invoices, eat food.

Genesis_windows may well do 30 houses a day on average (which also means doing considerably more than that on occasions, as well as fewer on others) but very, very few will be able to work at that pace on that size account.

If you are out for roughly 7 hours a day and you can do roughly the equivalent of 20 £8.00 houses in a day you are doing damn well.

Any window cleaner that can average £100 per day every day will also be above the average.
Thats 26k per year.

How many of you have submitted accounts to the tax man that come close to that?? (one man bands only)

The average income for window cleaners across the country is apparenty £17,500.

The potential is there to earn very good money indeed, newcomers to window cleaning reading the various threads on the forum mustn't get too carried away with the possibilities!!

sorry to go over old ground again but thought i had to put the record straight.
i go out out 3 days a week at the moment as im able to complete my round weekly in that time.
every day i do at least 30 houses,yes 30. some days in the month its 36.
i have  a very compact round and with the wfp it only takes me on average 8 mins to complete a house. i use a cheque system which ipost through customers doors who are mainly all out a work(which makes it quicker still)and very often i clean 6 or 7 houses without moving my van.
i have been using wfp for over 10 years and feel that i know what im doing.
my original post that seemed to attract alot of doubting critisism was only intended to provide a bit of encouragement to new wfp users and wasn't meant to be a "big fish story".
potential earnings of £1000.00/£1500.00 weekly if you are organised and carry a large enough volume of water to cut down on re-fill times are not out of reach of most people nor reserved for the top "1% of supermen".
a good positive attitude and work ethic help as the only place you'll find success before hard work is in the dictionary(M.B.Smith).
God Bless you all.
I am now stepping down from my soap box.


  • Posts: 3547
Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #35 on: January 18, 2006, 12:52:23 pm »
Well put Russell!

I myself at the moment only clean 3 days a week.

When I canvassed I only canvassed selected houses, which are easy to do and don't take very long. But, because they are big houses I charge between £20 - £25 and can easily do 8 in a day. So, I average £160 - £200 a day, 3 days a week.

There is also no reason why I couldn't go out and find more work the same and work 5 days a week which would mean me earning between £800 and £1000 per week - every week!

Remember - The more you put it, the more you get out!

The hardest part was building the work up... So for anyone looking to come into the game and start earning good money straight away should think twice - It's a hard slog.

Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #36 on: January 18, 2006, 01:05:14 pm »
thanks scs,
well put about it not happening over night, but it does happen.
newcomers wont be earning shed loads at the begining but time, effort, discipline and choosing the right accounts and not just taking anything will set you up for a very good income long term.

steve k

Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #37 on: January 18, 2006, 03:17:20 pm »
in agreement`s there if you put the correct groundwork in ;)


Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #38 on: January 18, 2006, 10:15:46 pm »
well i dont know what all of you do! but i earn £20 per house in fulham, london. I do about 25 houses every day. you guy's dont know what money is!


  • Posts: 26007
Re: amount of work a day
« Reply #39 on: January 18, 2006, 10:33:56 pm »
Well I do 40 houses at £12 each per 7 hour day, 5 days a week come rain or shine, snow or hail.
It's a game of three halves!