bit slow with my maths here....
average £8.00/£10.00 per house doesnt work out at £1500.
thats £10.00 per house
would be good but not what ive got............
30 houses at £8.00 a pop is still £240 per day, thats £720 in the 3 days, which isn't the same as £600

It highly unlikely you could knock out £240 a day every day doing accounts of that size, that's a prodigous work rate.
With the bigger houses I know it can be done, but even that is a chalenge to achieve.
Small domestic work on ordinary estates can become self limiting, they are not all easy access, gates and hedges get in the way, customers talk to you, the phone rings, some day you are not always on top of your game.
The weather plays an important factor too
30 accounts in a day is still doing 5 or 6 an hour, don't forget, your working day may well be 6 or 7 hours long, but you won't actually be working continuously for that time.
Time will be lost moving from account to acoidiot, sometimes you'll need to go to the loo, as I said before, you also have to talk to customers, or write out invoices, eat food.
Genesis_windows may well do 30 houses a day on average (which also means doing considerably more than that on occasions, as well as fewer on others) but very, very few will be able to work at that pace on that size account.
If you are out for roughly 7 hours a day and you can do roughly the equivalent of 20 £8.00 houses in a day you are doing d
amn well.
Any window cleaner that can average £100 per day every day will also be above the average.
Thats 26k per year.
How many of you have submitted accounts to the tax man that come close to that?? (one man bands only)
The average income for window cleaners across the country is apparenty £17,500.
The potential is there to earn very good money indeed, newcomers to window cleaning reading the various threads on the forum mustn't get too carried away with the possibilities!!