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Paul H

  • Posts: 878
Me - Groupon - someone else.. who's best
« on: April 13, 2012, 09:59:00 pm »
hi all

Done a job today where the occupant gets her carpets (lounge / dining room) cleaned every few months...

1st time she's used me ... ( i was doing a neighbours house the other week and she looked at the work and booked up)..

Anyways having a bit craic ( which is how i found out she has them cleaned few months and who she used previously etc..)

i'm not disclosing prices but it goes like this

1. she had a groupon lad .. the 2 carpet deal on the run uo to xmas... he was useless .. said he was quiet ( on the run up to xmas!! )..hence forced into groupon... came cleaned took his money.. rubbish job.. left .. no upsell etc.. as some on here have done with great results apparently... so clearly no strategy or vision in doing the groupon just clearly desperate for some cash ( no matter how little)....

2. guy 2 seemed  a bit more professional (his machine looked good!)... ( more pricey than me.. not by much though)..shall we say slightly better then the groupon kid..

3. Then me.. .......just do what i say i would do and promise to all customers...

Quite satisfying to get the feedback...i did try the upsell on protection ( no its ok i'll just ring you in two months!)..

ok in the mean time buy one of these fantasmic spotter bottles... ok no problem...

here is my business card....

and also in 2 months i'll send you a reminder letter ...( and an email and text reminder)...

just got me thinking how many guys just go in do the work get paid and leave.... and think nothing of retaining or trying to retain that customer...(like guy 1&2 ... one who was higher priced for poorer work!)..

or in my case having a general chat ... but at the same time seeking info on that customers previous habits and cleaning requirements... i now know she cleans her carpets every 2 months.... if the other guys had that info i maybe or shouldn't have been there..... but maybe theor work let them down??

Dont know just curious


Re: Me - Groupon - someone else.. who's best
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2012, 11:48:26 pm »
It's all subjective.  Maybe if her carpets look in the same state in 2 months time she'll call the groupon guy back because he's cheaper?

My repeat cycle is 1-2 years on average for regular customers, so they'll get at least 2 or 3 mail shots through their door in between times, which I think is plenty to keep me in their minds.  My branding is strong; I maximise the value and service when working for them and I do really make the effort to strike up a relationship which ties the customer to you as a person and not as a business.

But I know exactly what you mean when someone, whatever trade they are in, just does the job asked, no upsell attempted, and you never hear from them again.  A lot of people will remember who's worked for them and call them again next time without hesitation, but then a lot won't.  These are the ones that need the marketing reminders!

Steve Gunn

  • Posts: 850
Re: Me - Groupon - someone else.. who's best
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2012, 08:29:47 am »
We've all had what makes one customer happy annoys another,I did one where a well known supplier up in the North East(no longer supplying) charged an astronomical amount to clean her carpets and didn't move her sofa or dining chairs. At the time I was running an excel using the same chemicals he had a top of the range t/m she vowed never to have him back. I have done it ever since.

Magnetic business cards,spotter bottles are a great way reminding customers who they used last time but what they say to your face then tell someone else may be completely different to what has actually happened. How many times have you gone to a stain removal job and they've told you they haven't used anything on it when you can quite clearly tell they have  ???

Customers can be just as bad that you don't want to go back it works both ways

Paul H

  • Posts: 878
Re: Me - Groupon - someone else.. who's best
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2012, 08:51:04 am »
jim / steve agree with you both totally

and regarding the frequency she lives alone is obviously very social on the house party front and in her own words is partying at home with friends every weekend ( the carpets clearly show this)..patio doors leading onto garden so loads of traffic in and out ... so as she says she just lets it go then after 2 months get them cleaned up.... suits me.. ;D


Re: Me - Groupon - someone else.. who's best
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2012, 12:11:18 pm »
She'll have laminate down before the end of the year!

Simon Gerrard

  • Posts: 4405
Re: Me - Groupon - someone else.. who's best
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2012, 12:53:46 pm »
Customer retention is all to do with quality and perceived value for money. Up-selling( especially where the only beneficiary is you) is IMO a big turn off for people who can end up seeing you as a salesman rather than a top quality carpet cleaner. Rather than try to up-sell we give freebies - spotters - rugs cleaned FOC, etc, simply because people like to be given things they weren't expecting as a 'Thank You' for their business, rather than being propositioned to buy something else that all of a sudden is an extra.
The objective is to try and put people in a position where they can't get what you do anywhere else, achieve that and you'll always have a loyal following od customers that wouldn't dream of using anyone else.



  • Posts: 4250
Re: Me - Groupon - someone else.. who's best
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2012, 02:35:19 pm »
How many times have I been to some ones
house and started work, only for them to say
"what's that your spraying down, the last one
didn't do that."
then you find out they have had them done before.
But here's the thing....when I've asked them who
they used last time, whether they were good or bad,
and some have had good ones, they can never remember
who they used.

Impossible done straight away, miracles can take a little longer.

Carpet Dawg

  • Posts: 2968
Re: Me - Groupon - someone else.. who's best
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2012, 06:11:04 pm »
What Simon said.

Yes its good to engage the customer in convo. Upselling to them however has no benefit to them what so ever and can turn many customers off.

I've never attempted to upsell a clean or protector in my life. Yes i've probably left some money "on the table" but I now have a business that has zero advertsing costs, keeps me busy 6 days a week and alot of very loyal, well paying customers who trust me in thier homes.

I dont do spotter bottles but if I did i'd give them away to customers. Mainly the higher ticket jobs, ones which i'd like to work for again :)

Anyone, thats my take on it.



Re: Me - Groupon - someone else.. who's best
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2012, 06:41:50 pm »
Some people have really weird ideas about up-selling!  It isn't about flogging fridges to eskimos... it's about giving the customer more value!!  For example, I'll do the extra room at £xx less than regular price.  You get a higher ticket, they save money, everyone's a winner.

Best example is when you go and quote for a lounge.  You can explain how your pricing sclaes with volume and advise how much extra it would be to to the h/s/l and compare the prices.

lounge - £80
h/s/l - £80
lounge plus h/s/l £140

Bang, you have a £140 job rather than an £80 job.  Less jobs a day, less travelling, less admin, more profit :)

I could work 8 days a week if I wanted to but I'd rather do 4 for the same money :)

Paul H

  • Posts: 878
Re: Me - Groupon - someone else.. who's best
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2012, 07:28:33 pm »
Some people have really weird ideas about up-selling!  It isn't about flogging fridges to eskimos... it's about giving the customer more value!!  For example, I'll do the extra room at £xx less than regular price.  You get a higher ticket, they save money, everyone's a winner.

Best example is when you go and quote for a lounge.  You can explain how your pricing sclaes with volume and advise how much extra it would be to to the h/s/l and compare the prices.

lounge - £80
h/s/l - £80
lounge plus h/s/l £140

Bang, you have a £140 job rather than an £80 job.  Less jobs a day, less travelling, less admin, more profit :)

I could work 8 days a week if I wanted to but I'd rather do 4 for the same money :)

my point exactly

Simon Gerrard

  • Posts: 4405
Re: Me - Groupon - someone else.. who's best
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2012, 07:43:54 pm »
That's not anyone's understanding of up selling, that's giving more value. Up selling is pushing add on services like protector etc purely for the sake of it, whether the client needs it or not, which is unprofessional IMO.



  • Posts: 1272
Re: Me - Groupon - someone else.. who's best
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2012, 08:28:53 pm »
I agree with Simon, I don't up sell, I start off with the price I want.

But each to their own.

Paul in your first post you say your send her a letter, email, and text her, isn't that a bit OTT or creepy lol

Steve Gunn

  • Posts: 850
Re: Me - Groupon - someone else.. who's best
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2012, 09:45:02 pm »
I agree with Simon too if I wanted to clean 3 carpets for £44 then I'm not up selling,take today for instance h/s/l and 2 rugs in Fenham £90 there at 9.30 away by 10.45 customer happy having party tonight asked if she'd pass my cards round more than happy to do so especially after showing her the dirty water.Explained getting her carpets cleaned every 5 years not the best thing also got her windows to clean at £12 every 4 weeks


Re: Me - Groupon - someone else.. who's best
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2012, 08:20:31 am »
Paul in your first post you say your send her a letter, email, and text her, isn't that a bit OTT or creepy lol
How do you keep in contact with your custies then?

Simon Gerrard

  • Posts: 4405
Re: Me - Groupon - someone else.. who's best
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2012, 08:55:17 am »
Getting back to the question - Who's Best?
It would be a mistake to think that you're the best as the only person who can judge that is your customer.Where one customer might be happy with your service, others will take offence at your routine policy of up-selling. Giving people things they weren't expecting, free spotter bottles are by far the best for this, or offering to clean a small hearth rug, porch, doormats etc are far more likely to endear a customer to you than putting them on the spot by trying to sell them something extra - especially something they don't need, like protector. I think customers need to feel that they are the focus of your attention and not how much money you can squeeze out of them.
They also talk to their neighbours, family, friends, etc so you have to be mindful of what story they tell them about their exerience with you; 'he did a fantastic job, even cleaned xxx  for me and gave a free bottle of stain remover. Or, 'he did a good job but was a bit pushy trying sell me extras.'
Being the best is a journey - not a destination!


Paul H

  • Posts: 878
Re: Me - Groupon - someone else.. who's best
« Reply #15 on: April 15, 2012, 02:22:08 pm »
That's not anyone's understanding of up selling, that's giving more value. Up selling is pushing add on services like protector etc purely for the sake of it, whether the client needs it or not, which is unprofessional IMO.


is pushing having extra carpets cleaned not the same??

1. "I can apply stain protection or whatever extra service it is to your room for £XXXX.. would that interest you? the benefits are xyz " ..

2. "While i'm here would you like your hall / stairs / landing cleaned too for £xxx....."

Is it not the same?.. anything you can offer and do over and above whats been booked in i see that as upselling..if i'm wrong please let me know what other term i should use?

Are you not asking if they'd like the hall stairs etc,,, cleaned for the sake of it too?? (given they've possibly only asked for a lounge cleaned)....

This isn't double glazing hard sell attitude if you think thats how its is..... its a nice polite conversation explaining you can have xyz done (whether that be protection extra cleaning or whatever..) while you are there.....

How many just go in and clean what they are asked to clean get paid and leave?? ... This isn't my approach and my way works for me..

Paul H

  • Posts: 878
Re: Me - Groupon - someone else.. who's best
« Reply #16 on: April 15, 2012, 03:47:20 pm »
I agree with Simon too if I wanted to clean 3 carpets for £44 then I'm not up selling,take today for instance h/s/l and 2 rugs in Fenham £90 there at 9.30 away by 10.45 customer happy having party tonight asked if she'd pass my cards round more than happy to do so especially after showing her the dirty water.Explained getting her carpets cleaned every 5 years not the best thing also got her windows to clean at £12 every 4 weeks

Nice to see you upsold on your window cleaning.... ;D

Paul H

  • Posts: 878
Re: Me - Groupon - someone else.. who's best
« Reply #17 on: April 15, 2012, 03:57:13 pm »
****How many just go in and clean what they are asked to clean get paid and leave??****

That's what I do. My average job ticket is £170. Just saying so you can see there is another way.

Not up selling does not equal less money.

Could mean more money though....and take that average higher...

I never said i was the best... i was asking and relating it too 1. cheap groupon 2 someone with a higher price ticket than me (slightly)..and been going alot longer 3. and then me.....who's 12 months in

must have done something right as her grandma just booked me in for next friday... 

Love the craic on here tho.. ;D

Simon Gerrard

  • Posts: 4405
Re: Me - Groupon - someone else.. who's best
« Reply #18 on: April 15, 2012, 05:04:52 pm »
We couldn't possibly upsell on the day as described by Paul, as we haven't got time being fully book all of the time, sometimes weeks in advance.
If you've got these great offers why not tell the customer at the time of booking instead of putting them on the spot on the day. Sure, some will say yes because they want to, but others will do it through feeling the pressure to say yes, but avoid using you in the future, which might explain why you've got time to do all these extra jobs on the day. ;)


Re: Me - Groupon - someone else.. who's best
« Reply #19 on: April 15, 2012, 05:18:33 pm »
Simon with respect I think you're stuck with the wrong perception of what Paul is talking about.  It's not about applying pressure and it's not making customers end up with something they don't want.  It's simply pointing out they can get more value out of the service

Also, you're talking about adding more work at the time of arrival to clean.  Like you, I often wouldn't have time to do any significant extra amounts of work... the clever bit of additional selling is done at quote stage ;)

I do exactly what you do - I give out a free spotter bottle and will always include at no extra cost the small carpet mats and even a small hearth rug, which customers are always really grateful for.  I've even unblocked sinks, bled a radiator and fixed the odd curtain pole bracket or blind that's been half fallen down!

But if there's potential extra work there, I will damn well suggest it!  There's ways of doing it that are completely non-pressurising, the customer almost feels like you're doing them a favour ;)