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  • Posts: 166
hi guys have you seen this people before , and wat you think about them ? ???


  • Posts: 3427
I think I've seen Allkare before, when I was looking at starting in the industry myself.

£10,000 license fee
£13,470 equipment fee - For a Texatherm unit, a vacuum, a sebo duo (probably), and a wand with 10m of hose. I hope their all made of solid gold for that money!
£550 a month 'Marketing fee'

All plus the dreaded, of course.

That's a lot of money to earn before you starting hitting a profit.

I'm out!
Carpet Cleaning
Google Adwords Management


  • Posts: 5572
I have never come across any one that has a franchise with them but I think they have a similar model to Servicemaster where by they will then try and sell you the restoration package seperately.

The package is in fact £28,164.00 inc vat, Equipment and License no vehicle is metioned that would have to be factored in along with all the usuals.

The advert is misleading it mentions 'potential' earnings of £1400.00 per week it may as well say £5000 per week means nothing, where's the evidence ?

£1400 is £72800 per year yet along side it says secure a 'potential' income of £40k or £770.00 per week  :-\

So what is it ?

You would not earn that any way as fees (not mentioned) would have to come off or are they saying you will be paying £32800 per annum in fees ?



  • Posts: 2589


  • Posts: 5602
they also have a franchise for plumbing and do lot for insurance companies

derek west

I had to contact them as they copied and pasted my homepage, removed my name and inserted there own.

what did they say dave?

i have allkare in my area. seem okay to me. very professional. just franchises are not for me personally.


  • Posts: 1272
I had this letter this morning too.


  • Posts: 2589
He said it wasnt him but a foreign seo company  ;

I think there's only 1 cc van, done a few jobs where he didn't turn up.

Doctor Carpet (Ret'd)

  • Posts: 2024
Yep, I received the same letter as well.

Diplomacy: the art of letting other people have your way