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Re: which supplier has done most for the industry
« Reply #40 on: April 06, 2012, 01:43:39 am »
I'd like to bet he's lurking, as are many others who have a name for themselves ;)

Paul Heath

  • Posts: 600
Re: which supplier has done most for the industry
« Reply #41 on: April 06, 2012, 07:16:10 pm »
It has been very Interesting reading all the articles Re:Prochem. Perhaps as a distributer i should not say this, but i have to agree with everything said.
They make some very good chemicals, have very good training course's, have some very knowledgeable chaps in the service department, but unfortunately i do get the impressing they are resting on there loyals.
If they don't start investing in new machines and some customer service they will continue to lose clients, as better machines are available on the market, with a lot better back up. We try to give the best service we can as a small business this is paramount to survial, but i think Prochem have got very large under Ron's guidance and everybody seems to be riding the wave......well the wave is starting to flaten out.
It is a shame and as a distributer perhaps i should not speak  out, but i have never been able to keep my trap shut, even though it has, and still does get me into trouble, but hay ho.... i speak as i find.


  • Posts: 414
Re: which supplier has done most for the industry
« Reply #42 on: April 09, 2012, 09:22:19 pm »
Paul - you have only expressed your opinion - its not like you have dissed them or anything - and lets face it they do seem to come from somewhere near smug corner and give the impression they have run their race and are sitting on laurels! I am sure they talk to lots of people at european and uk trade shows who may take confidence from the size of their stand but then pass on and stop at some of the smaller stands where fresh new innovators are plotting the future...
Buckland Carpet & Fabric Care :: 01590 688938

Andrew Briscoe

  • Posts: 1311
Re: which supplier has done most for the industry
« Reply #43 on: April 10, 2012, 01:42:08 pm »
Just like to thank Jamie @ CSUK for sending me a nice 2l pump up sprayer and a micofibre mitt, free gratis, for the Facebook competion he ran.

Thanks Jamie, used them both this am on a suite which came up a treat, the green raised stripe running through it really got into the creases and nooks n crannies.


derek west

Re: which supplier has done most for the industry
« Reply #44 on: April 10, 2012, 04:40:22 pm »
what comp?, i missed that one. :'(

Andrew Briscoe

  • Posts: 1311
Re: which supplier has done most for the industry
« Reply #45 on: April 10, 2012, 05:38:26 pm »
I dont think you would of got the answer right anyway Derek, it was a tough question for knowledeable people   8)  , unless you had asked Billy for the answer of course.  ;D

Jamie Pearson

  • Posts: 3407
Re: which supplier has done most for the industry
« Reply #46 on: April 10, 2012, 06:26:40 pm »
I dont think you would of got the answer right anyway Derek, it was a tough question for knowledeable people   8)  , unless you had asked Billy for the answer of course.  ;D

Paul Moss had the right answer. I just liked Andrews one the best.

derek west

Re: which supplier has done most for the industry
« Reply #47 on: April 10, 2012, 06:32:00 pm »
I dont think you would of got the answer right anyway Derek, it was a tough question for knowledeable people   8)  , unless you had asked Billy for the answer of course.  ;D

Paul Moss had the right answer. I just liked Andrews one the best.

you mean andrews was so wrong that you felt sorry for him.  ;D touche' ;D

Paul Moss

  • Posts: 2296
Re: which supplier has done most for the industry
« Reply #48 on: April 10, 2012, 10:04:59 pm »
  ;D  I knew  i was right all along, as i know Billys tongue impressions.  :D

Paul Moss

  • Posts: 2296
Re: which supplier has done most for the industry
« Reply #49 on: April 10, 2012, 10:33:04 pm »
Jamie have you still got the cimex for sale

Jamie Pearson

  • Posts: 3407
Re: which supplier has done most for the industry
« Reply #50 on: April 11, 2012, 08:01:09 am »
The Cimex is the Truvox reps demo unit.

She collected it when I was away on holiday but still has it if interested.

james roffey

Re: which supplier has done most for the industry
« Reply #51 on: April 11, 2012, 11:15:49 am »
Its interesting to see how Prochem operate today - I do feel they have contributed most in the past but are not innovating the way some other newer companies have and you may say thats why they have lasted the course but more important than that they have IMO lost touch with their mojo in terms of how they communicate with grass roots customers - they do not have the Gottsian touch thats for sure. There is a pervading feeling that the race is run and they have matured as a company and can just progress with no fuss and little real regard for whatever else is going on around them - they use a pr company for issuing press releases for any new products and for patting their agent network on the back - I am sure they (probably) communicate with the agents really well - BUT they have lost touch with ordinary foot soldiers like me thats for sure...

When you pitch up at Chessington its like you have entered a soviet style Ministry of Carpet Cleaning Supplies - there is no personal touch in terms of Hi Hello - hows things going? It appears they literally could not give a toss - its nothing personal and they are all very nice and straightforward in terms of receptionist and the people who work for them and do things for you in terms of machines but no-one makes an effort to find out who you are, what machines you are running, how the industry is going - for all they know I might be buying five everest hp's! I had a nice chat to another cc bloke from the Isle of Wight (Hi) and that was it for interaction with another human sole apart from the guys in the service department

When I was there I had rung for advice beforehand and had a good chat with the service manager who was very helpful on the phone - when I got there it was a different story the same bloke was fiddling with some crappy little electric machine and just palmed me off to a (knowledgeable) lieutenant - its not like I want my arse licked or anything its just the way things are done you get the impression it is such a large company now there is a big them and us worker management thing going on and the workers do not feel empowered to make a difference - if I am right (who knows) they could be a mature company on a slow downward spiral - I am sure the chemical brewing(!) packaging is a VERY profitable enterprise but how long can they support their huge range of products when microsplitters seem to be taking over the world... maybe the royal warrant is fully justified recognition of their services to carpet cleaning supplies in the UK but they defo need to beef-up their social skills viz a viz the grass roots to survive for another 40 years... they are not reaching out to the many ccers who use their products day in day out - they have no forum for discussion so it appears the information revolution has passed them by - if they had a forum like this one or CT then they would at least be able to establish an avenue of communication by answering simple tech and chem questions etc

Just my take on a british company that I think needs new direction (IMHO)...

Agree with all your comments, they are so big they don't have to worry too much about new business ! it's short sighted though.

For me i dont care who i buy my chemicals from, if they are the best and a few of Prochems are the best i will buy them, but i only use a handful of the prochem range, stopped using the acid rinse as its not at all economical, i told the supplier this and he told the dealer while i was in the shop, its rubbish as are quite a few of the products, but powerburst still ticks all the boxes and like most on here its regarded as just about the best

Jamie Pearson

  • Posts: 3407
Re: which supplier has done most for the industry
« Reply #52 on: April 12, 2012, 09:30:02 pm »
maybe the royal warrant is fully justified recognition of their services to carpet cleaning supplies in the UK

The Royal Warrant is earned by serving/supplying the Royal Household for a minimum of 5 consecutive years.

Its not representative of UK sales it just means that (for example) the porters in a palace use £x of Prochem products every year and have done for the last 5 years.

Well done to them.

I have been thinking about this question for a while now Prochem are by far the biggest with the most comprehensive range and I can remember my father using their products when I was just a boy then later selling them but I would have to say Robert Saunders/Alltec gave the cc'er the most comprehensive range of products/services (franchising excluded)

Marketing Programmes, Maintenance Plans, Success Coaching, Training Courses, Products, Machinery, Equipment.


  • Posts: 1643
Re: which supplier has done most for the industry
« Reply #53 on: April 13, 2012, 05:39:07 am »
 ;D I would like to Nominate Ashbys! :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :P :P

for being great

in ripping people off,money grabbing,in general not nice to deal with,beware there dog even bites at dartford!
and haveing all the answers ! without solveing there problems! and its your fault the machine will go wrong!


  • Posts: 1120
Re: which supplier has done most for the industry
« Reply #54 on: April 13, 2012, 08:38:26 am »
Of course its your fault they go wrong.

If you did not use the machine it wouldn't happen ;D
God must love stupid people---He made so many.


Re: which supplier has done most for the industry
« Reply #55 on: April 13, 2012, 11:38:02 pm »
Let's hope they're not the litigious sort as well!

You've had a bad experience mate but this can't be the norm otherwise they would not have lasted very long in business.  I'm not up their ar*e or anything, far from it, but we all need to be careful about publishing libellous statements on public forums :)

Mike Halliday

  • Posts: 11581
Re: which supplier has done most for the industry
« Reply #56 on: April 14, 2012, 07:50:30 am »
;D I would like to Nominate Ashbys! :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :P :P

for being great

in ripping people off,money grabbing,in general not nice to deal with,beware there dog even bites at dartford!
and haveing all the answers ! without solveing there problems! and its your fault the machine will go wrong!

We have had an email from Asbys about the scandalous posts made by terry and they have said the will take the matter further unless the litigious claims made by john are not removed immediately.....

......they categorically deny that their dog has ever bitten anyone
Mike Halliday.

Steve Gunn

  • Posts: 850
Re: which supplier has done most for the industry
« Reply #57 on: April 14, 2012, 08:36:10 am »
Let's hope they're not the litigious sort as well!

You've had a bad experience mate but this can't be the norm otherwise they would not have lasted very long in business.  I'm not up their ar*e or anything, far from it, but we all need to be careful about publishing libellous statements on public forums :)

Jim that's just the thing it is the norm going back as far as 2003 when I had my ninja with pump problems their customer service is shocking Martin mainly.There are so many new start ups in this business there will always be a steady stream of new customers for people like ashby's absolutely fantastic to deal with right up till the machine is delivered then they don't want to know

Richard Meads

  • Posts: 152
Re: which supplier has done most for the industry
« Reply #58 on: April 20, 2012, 04:01:51 pm »
True enough, if you know what you want and can fit it yourself, Ashby's can deliver it, (if they stock it) but you'll likely get it cheaper elseware, just depends if you want it quick and simple.  I haven't had anything they have supplied go wrong.....yet!

I listened to an Alltec webinar the other day, and replied to the email given after it, nothing, a week later asked for details via main email address (outside office hours so couldn't phone) still nothing. Maybe I'm based too close to someone in the Alltec network? dunno, but if a customer emailed me twice, I have already lost the job. Why do the marketing then not follow up the leads?

The most reliable have been Cleansmart and Solutions.
