ruining a good pole ? thats the most ridicoulous thing i have ever heard !!!! complimenting a good pole and making it better would be more like it!! people talking about equipment they do not have or use on a daily basis, let me tell you the slx and the aquadapter (different companies) are two of the only products that have hit the market in recent years which have been truly groundbreaking, the slx i don't need to say about really because everyone already knows what a great pole it is... and for the aquadapter, it weights hadly anything you wont notice it on your pole, you will save water, it looks awesome and the pole hose especially for hot is some of the best around, by the end of the year i predict it will become quite standard for a lot of us.....
So putting an aqaudapter on an SLX would in my opinion be like playing Andy Cole and Dweight York together, a winning partnership !
and whats all this about making the pole heavy , you cant notice them even on the clx 18's THEY WEIGH NOTHING