anytime anyone posts a topic or responses to a topic and they state what they have as a turnover or wage, they are slated or praised depending on the figure quoted.
Personally if someone is quoting figures below what I am achieving then I might give advice on how I command more, I try not to sound like I'm bragging but others seem to think I am.
You then get some who are doing really well, now these people also get slated, why?
Personally I would like to see how they achieve what they say they do, numbers and facts don't lie, providing they are true facts and figures.
A lot of ladder cleaners have heard that wfp returns more per hour than trad on most properties, yet when anyone anyone now pushes wfp they are believed.
Turnover and money earnn't is a emotive subject, with some who object to figures being quoted, yet these same people want to know how they can streanline their business with better equipment or what have you.
So is there a double standard being operated by some?