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Paul Clapham

  • Posts: 250
« on: March 03, 2012, 02:44:24 pm »
@ the moment I offer my client a £5.00 voucher and the person who they refer me to a £5.00 voucher as well, but only if they have their carpets cleaned.

I am happy to use £10 from each job, if I get the referral and a carpet clean, as it works with my pricing structure, But I was thinking of just offering the original client the whole £10 to really incentives her /him into action to get me more referrals, as I leave 5 forms with them they could earn £50.00 !

What do you chaps do / offer as referrals ?

This is the season for fine wine, and drunken friends, enjoy this moment, for this moment is your life.

Paul Evans

  • Posts: 408
Re: Referrals......
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2012, 02:53:51 pm »
Do the best job i can, be friendly and polite, the referrals should automatically come in at no cost to you. I have done jobs where it has led to the whole family having there carpets cleaned.
Allways leave a couple of business cards at the end of the job.


Paul Clapham

  • Posts: 250
Re: Referrals......
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2012, 03:21:34 pm »
Hi Paul , are you saying that you don't offer any kind of referral "system"?
This is the season for fine wine, and drunken friends, enjoy this moment, for this moment is your life.

Kev Loomes

  • Posts: 1353
Re: Referrals......
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2012, 04:05:22 pm »
We offer M&S vouchers for £10 if they recommend us - ok its not a lot but seems to work. When I say it all adds up to a nice XMAS gift - or a blow out - or even presies they take that on board.

Another way is to offer them a FREE carpet clean if they recommend a certain amount of clients - or even over a certain value of each client that they have used you. The amount of carpet cleaning would be up to you.

If your feeling punchy, then offer a 10% value of every recommendation instead - if you think about it, ok its only £10 from a £100 job but say they convinced their friends or relatives to have their whole house done - one job could be £300 or £400 and thats still only £30 or £40 you woud lose, but look at what you would gain (especially if your pricing structure took this 10% loss in to account).

Having an automated system to enable to do this after each job does of course help, but can still be done verbally to good effect - just not as well.



Paul Evans

  • Posts: 408
Re: Referrals......
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2012, 05:07:28 pm »
Hi Paul , are you saying that you don't offer any kind of referral "system"?

I have no referral system, but i work at the low to middle end of the market.
If i was middle to top end maybe i would look into a system of referral. I do leave spotter bottles with any spend over £80.


ps I think it depends on your market and job ticket. I am not expensive and not the cheapest. I dont do many home quotes, Just price over the phone. imo if your top end a tenner to them is not worth there hassle, Just do a good job and they will readily recommend you to friends and family at no cost to you.

Allan Simmons

  • Posts: 327
Re: Referrals......
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2012, 10:56:21 pm »
Hi Guys

We have tried many different schemes over the years but never found they increased the number of referrals we received.  I think Paul N is right, if you do a great job and are friendly then they will refer you anyway.

I know referral schemes are huge in the US but I think we have a different culture here and are actually reserved about recommending something if there is a kick back for us.  Someone said to me they wouldn't recommend anyone as when they use you they will also find out you offer a reward for recommending you and might feel that was one of the reasons you referred them, if that makes sense.  Is it a very British quirk?

What we do do however is if they caller says they heard about us from a friend we ask who that was and track that on the clients records, both the referred and the referees.  We then send an unexpected thank you letter and £10 gift voucher for M&S or Meadowhall or other gift if we can see anything suitable from the notes in their client record.  We get calls from people receiving these thanking us for the surprise.  We also track the value of referrals from each client and filter to send the best ones unexpected rewards, even if it's just a box of golf balls as we know they are a golfer from notes on their client record.  Again they are unexpected rewards and seem to go down really well.

We do always talk about referrals though.  On our questionnaire we ask if they'd recommend us to friends and relatives.  We use phrases like "most of our business comes from repeat and referrals" etc, One of the first questions we ask a new caller is "Did you hear about us from a friend?"  We just to try and make it seem that "Referrals, that's how we do business round here"



Re: Referrals......
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2012, 11:12:28 pm »

I've been down that road, giving the reward to the referrer and referee each time (I made it much more valuable to them, giving £20 to each).  Almost no uptake on it whatsoever.

One customer trying to "play" the system getting her boyfriend's carpets cleaned (where she had moved in to since I did hers) and getting both discounts!  Had to honour it as I hadn't written anything in the T&Cs to cover that one!

I think generally customers don't feel the need to be rewarded financially for recommending you.  Psychologically, they get a reward anyway by recommending you... their friend uses you and comes back to them and say "oh thanks for that recommendation, he was great" which gives them a buzz.  Many people like to have that feeling of being in the know, kind of like being able to do people favours etc to impress them, making themselves look good to their friends.

I have had two goes at referrals systems and I have come to the conclusion that you simply can't force referrals out of people - at least not in any quantity to make it worth bothering with.  All I simply do now is give them a free spotter along with a few business cards at the end of the job.  They are always really surprised and grateful for the spotter, and as you're handing them over you say "my number's on the bottle, so you can give the cards to anyone you know in case they need me"

It's a a kind of back door way of getting referrals, through the principle of reciprocation... you do your favour to them first and wait for them to return it, rather than the other way around :)

Spotters are cheaper than £ discounts too ;)

Allan Simmons

  • Posts: 327
Re: Referrals......
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2012, 11:19:06 pm »
Nice on Paul.


Steve Barnett (Carpet Care Plus)

  • Posts: 1834
Re: Referrals......
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2012, 11:29:05 pm »
Al, yes it's a British quirk but in a strange way.

I have a client who spends £2k per year with me. She is absolutley delighted with my service, standard of work and interaction with her, but in 4 years of trying she has never referred me on. I'm not that upset, I just wish I had 20 more clients like her !

Andrew Briscoe

  • Posts: 1311
Re: Referrals......
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2012, 11:46:31 pm »
The uk and USA referal thing is very different, i dont personally like the usa way.
I just go in , do the best job possible, then leave a spotter and 6 business cards.
I say here is a card, and if you want to recomend us  to family and friends, here is a few extra cards.

Its good to have a chat with custies, just talk about what ever, weather , pets, sport or whatever there work is, like BT used to say its good to talk.


Allan Simmons

  • Posts: 327
Re: Referrals......
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2012, 01:52:32 pm »
Al, yes it's a British quirk but in a strange way.

I have a client who spends £2k per year with me. She is absolutley delighted with my service, standard of work and interaction with her, but in 4 years of trying she has never referred me on. I'm not that upset, I just wish I had 20 more clients like her !

Don't we all Steve!?!

I agree with Andrew, a good natter about none carpet cleaning related stuff is so important.



Re: Referrals......
« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2012, 08:26:29 am »
I too have never really given an incentive for any discounts but the usual to leave a business card or an infomation pack or free spotter etc.

I just rely on the good job i have done to be recomended.