Ben whats the advantage over Vikan ?
The bristles on the salmon are 1. stiffer, 2. corrugated, 3. less dense than vikan. The brush is lighter
the sense i get is that the salmon's primary advantage is that the bristles being less dense will hold on to water less than the vikan, along with agitating the dirt on the glass better.
the vikan's bristles are dense and straight and so holds water like hair does, along with dirt amongts the bristles, not helped by the 'feathered' split ends. The feathered ends are made partly i think for not scratching vehicle paint work, as is their intended use, but glass is much harder than paint-work so is a bit redundant
the corrgated bristles on the salmon not only allow for the water to pass away, taking dirt with it, but on rubbing the glass are more effective on moving the dirt.
At 15'' its a good size, wide but not fat, so for its size it is also light, maybe the same weight as the vikan 10'' (with all its unecessary heavy rubber)
The vikan attaches at more of an angle to the pole than the salmon, meaning the use of the useful angle joint is not very practicle (though there is gooseneck instead i suppose)
who would of thought there was so much in a damn brush!!
i think all in all its much better, but many use the vikan and are happy with it so...?. on already cleanish glass i don't think it'll make much difference, but perhaps salmon comes into its own on first cleans etc, and in keeping dirt free for the whole days work. (and non of this soaking the brush in bucket of pure water overnight nonesense!)