well my first month at pushing standing orders as new payment...65% agree (of that about 50% thought great idea and the other 15%were pushed reluctantly) the rest are undecided & just 2 said NO they dont do direct debits !so not a bad hit rate.i gave people the option of setting the date themselves in the month also the promise the prices will remain same for 2012.
I gave most of custy's a print out for them to sign and send to bank & tryed to explain im now doing it monthly as opposed to 4wks which most didnt get (as they thought it was monthly anyway!)
what reason do you mostly find/think some people dont want to do standing orders??.......
My thoughts why they dont:
To much hassle
Can't be bothered
online banking is the devil
don't trust you with thier bank account details (I know we don't need them) ( no customer has ever said it to me, but my guess is this is a reason for it
prefer paying by cheque
don't have a bank account
like paying cash when it's done.
don't like change
these are some I have come up against
pod how did you come to these stats, what did you do to get them, what did you say, I like to try and find ways to streamline my business all the time and if this helps even convert another few it is worth trying, good on you for pushing this, I have been trying this for couple of years and it is hard going so far.