I got my van back last Saturday from Facelift in Derbyshire.
They installed my vanmount system, I was expecting no leaks from the system, but I was wrong, I have 2 DI cannisters on board and I have noticed today that both leak.
Being a peferctionist I want them to be leak free. They drip slowly but surely from the flow in and flow out. They have used a Blue plastic bolt device ( not sure what to call it )27mm on the flow in at the top of the di tank vessell with smaller bore John Guest push fittings connected to the blue bolt.
I have given the blue bolt an extra half turn clockwise, still leaking but a bit faster now. IT as got ptfe tape on it, but I dont want to keep tightining it incase I snap the thread. Any suggestions or do they all leak?
On the out end it as a hozelock type connection, Plastic again but that drips even faster.
Can I sort it out?
Facelift said it was not leaking when they had it.