I can give you insight on what I ran into when I took over a school from the council. I was doing about 50,000 a year when I bid on a school that was about 40,000 per year. Just like your school there was a lot of problems to deal with. To give you an idea, LGPS (if you have not heard of it take note), they were making well about any wage we would pay cleaners in the private sector, they were getting 32 days of holiday per year, Council was charging for 7 cleaners but only providing 6, the cleaners had been working 11.5 hours per week and getting paid for 15 for years, and the best part 4 of 7 were in a union.
So the cost of LGPS can be significant if you dont watch it. The law states you have to offer a comparable or better pension scheme. LGPS is a final pay pension and is very expensive. You can get in it if you cant offer the same but you will need to be evaluated by an actuary and it is the same cost regardless of the amount of employees transferring, around 1750 pounds. After the actuary evaluation you will be required to carry a bond on your part. They tried to say that I needed a 45,000 pound bond but I was able to prove the actuary and the LGPS to be in error on their thought process and they lowered my bond to 4,000 a lot cheaper. You can get a company to put up the bond for a percentage fee. After you getting the pleasure of that you get to pay around 17% of the cleaners pay to the scheme for them to be in it. If they hit you for an unreasonable bond let me know and I will tell you what to look at to get them to lower it.
Not a whole lot you can do about the Holidays at first, but after you have the contract for a while you can ususally get away with adjusting that if you find a need to. But the amount of holidays they get can be a laugh, our tax pounds at work.
I was able to solve the 11.5 hours and the charging for 7 and providing 6 because of contracts but even that was a little tricky because the union was claiming "implied terms and conditions" but I was able to get my point across and won that battle too, if you are having the same problem let me know and I will tell you how I won that one too.
Now saying all of that, I was able to charge more per hour than the council and still prove a 4800 pound per annum saving for the school because I fixed the problems. So they were happy and I was happy. I have not raised the price in the 3 years that I have been there because I no longer have to be there every day and the headaches that came with changing every thing. The school will sign for another two years next week and I net around 18% after everything is said and done labour, chemicals, equipment (I used all used equipment to start the contract, as a matter of fact the scrubber drier I bought from Phil of New Life thanks for the help Phil)(Also Phil sat down with me when I picked up the scrubber drier and had a heart to heart with me and gave me a lot of great insight, very good man he is).
I know I have said in parts if you need more information on areas to get with me but this post is long enough and if I went into every aspect of what I encountered and how I handled it I could write a book lol.